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Houston Bulls Ready to Brave Rebuild with Alcohol


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After 4 games in the early VHLM Season the Houston Bulls are 0-3-1 with a -28 goal differential. Are the players and management of the Bulls already distraught and lost in this young season? "Hell no!" an unidentified player yelled at a reporter asking that very question after The Bulls lost 5-4 in a nail biting shootout against the Saskatoon Wild.


Instead of spending the teams money on team building events or morale boosters each player is given unlimited tabs at the local bar that the team frequents. "It is going to be a long season with a lot of soul crushing moments so we want to make sure that our boys can drink their sorrows away" GM Sonnet told reporters. Experts are split on if this will be an effective method of coping for this team but no one on the team seems to care. After the latest loss every member of the team was seen at the bar in varying states of euphoria and drunkenness. The team kept on repeating the same song on the jukebox and singing along with it in a very off pitch manner. "It is painful and annoying having these guys in here every other night but hey, a profit is a profit." Bar owner Lee Goody told the police officers sent to breakup a bar brawl between the team mascot and a 70 year old senior citizen.


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