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Totally Real WJC Power Rankings


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Power Rankings? Who cares about those. We all know that power rankings are made by nerds at desks, with pinstriped ties, with no knowledge of the game at all. Patrik Tallinder, whose that? Sounds like a nerd. Not putting Canada at number 1? This guy must be worse at his job than actual NHL refs. Now here I'm going to tell you the cold hard facts about the WJC. Canada is number 1, screw your power rankings. You heard it here first folks, Canada is taking home the gold. Let's look at the competition and what this "Patrik Tallinder" ranked them as.


#1 Europe?

 I'm sorry but this ranking isn't on who's the best at starting world wars, next.


#2 USA?

 Apologies but they got lost in the nearest Target, trying to figure out how to convert metric into imperial.


#3 Canada?

 This is absolute blasphemy that Canada isn't #1. Lack of Depth? This ain't a swimming pool kiddo, try again.


Asia and World #4 and #5?

Good bottom of the barrel like they should be.


As always thanks for tuning into the REAL WJC POWER RANKINGS. Done by someone who isn't a nerd.

Edited by Da_Berr
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