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Jeffrey Pines Jr Review


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Jeffrey Pines - Junior Review


Jeffrey Pines is a type of athlete that is becoming ever present in the modern sports world: a multi sport talent. Pines was born to two American immigrants in Edmonton, Alberta. His father is a former professional baseball player, and currently head coach for the local Edmonton squad. Pines inherited his fathers baseball prowess, and played since childhood. His hockey career, however, is a different story. All of Jeffrey's friends in junior high preferred hockey, so his father signed him up and he took to it like a natural, becoming one of the top players in the Edmonton area at the age of 13. He was never the best player in the league, or even his team at points, but his consistency and good work ethic always placed him in the top percentages of the players.


When he was 16, he joined the Drayton Valley Thunder of the Alberta Junior Hockey League, as other leagues would suspend his baseball career. He played for two years, collecting back-to-back thirty goal seasons. The big decision came once he graduated high school, whether to continue his baseball or his hockey career. He received multiple scholarship offers from American and Canadian universities, however Minnesota State offered him the opportunity to play both sports - an offer he could not refuse. This of course put limits on both sports progressions, but after four years he received a contract offer from the Mexico City Kings, and his love for Mexican food and other recreational activities popular in Mexico made the team a perfect fit for the young star.

Some skills that carried over from Pines' time as a shortstop include his stellar reactions, hand-eye, and having a great shot power and accuracy. Combined with his short stature, Pines plays a speedy, scoring focused forward who focuses on getting into A+ scoring opportunities and making space for himself. His short time in Mexico City proved an unnerving adjusdment from the NCAA - only scoring an assist in 22 games. Public opinion blames star LW Chris Hylands - projected top 3 in the VHLM dispersal draft, who consumed all of the ice time from the younger forward. Pines is projected to be an early-mid second round pick in the dispersal draft, and is eligible for the VHL draft next season, where he is projected as a late first rounder. Pines has previously stated his preferred VHL draft destination is "anyone but Calgary", citing his hometowns long time rivalry within Alberta.





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