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Oh Sens lately has been an often guest on news channels. He was involved in a fight with Minnesota fan and Oh was associated with narcotic dealers.  This time Oh Sens is trying to get better andwants to bring something to the people of Miami. After his first paycheck, Sens has purchased an old coffee company.    


Together with his family, Oh Sens will be sponsoring this family business and they will be making a different kind of coffees. Right now, they are focusing on making the first shop by the arena in Miami. Sens understands, that he has been a pain in the ass for everyone in Miami, but he will be trying his best to repay this wonderful city. There have been some rumors, that are saying Oh Sens is laundering his drug money in this company and actually Sens is a drug dealer. These talks have mostly been fabricated by haters online, but it is still interesting where does this information comes from. Today Sens will be showing us around this coffee shop and we will make sure, that Sens is not a drug dealer, but he is a real businessman. 



Sens started his tour by giving all journalists a cup of latte, that his shop is making. And I can't lie, it was magnificent. I don't know what could Oh Sens is putting in these coffees, but it is awesome.  His shop is against ''Big Sausage Arena''. I would guess Sens popularity will be a nice bonus for the shop. Sens continued to bring the rest of the journalists behind the counter and see, how are all coffee beans sorted, for this incredible coffee.  He said that this is where the cocaine gets packed, but obviously, he was joking.  He introduced his family. If Sens could just say a few words in English and he always needs a translator with him, then his family can't say anything in English. They just said Konichua, and we went on with our tour.  It was looking like a normal coffee shop and we were able to see with our own eyes, that it is all real and no money laundering is not happening in this house. While Sens and his translator were trying to get everyone out of his kitchen, I snooped around the corner, and there was one door, that Sens didn't show us. I quickly opened that door and I saw a lot of white powder. I immediately called out Sens and asked, what was this. He tried to tell us, that it was sugar, but it was not. I quickly took pictures of it and Oh Sens rudely kicked us out of his coffee shop. I guess we found out the truth about the dark side of Sens.How To Make Fake Cocaine Bundles (; - YouTube



After this trip around Sens ''coffee shop'', I immediately filed a police report on this shop and Oh Sens about abuse. Police still hasn't called me back and in Miami, it is widely known that police are easy to bribe and I think Miami Marauders have paid off the police, to take no action on Oh Sens. But this will not stop here! We can't have drug lords playing in VHLM! 


/533 words/



Edited by osens
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