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Sunset Bronson Studios, Los Angeles.


-Shirley Higgins, Stenographer.


8:38 a.m.


Courtroom audience is ushered to their seats. 78 in attendance today


8:40 a.m.


Edna Crayola (43F), the plaintiff enters and takes a seat next to her lawyer; Larry Gutenberg.


8:43 a.m.


Room is silent as we await the arrival of the defendant


8:47 a.m.


One of the studio audience members is very flatulent and forces a recess to air out the room. Defendant has yet to arrive.


10:21 a.m.


Hazmat has deemed the set safe to enter again, everyone takes their seats minus the flatulent culprit. 77 in attendance today.


10:33 a.m.


Soft music plays in the background as we all wait for arrival of the defendant. The honourable Judge Judy is still sitting backstage and waiting to make her entrance.


10:36 a.m.


The defendants lawyer, Phil Leagle receives a phone call from his client. Says that Mr. Stallion is running late and will still be a couple of hours.


10:37 a.m.


Another recess is called and the executives bump this afternoons case of Giggles the Clown v.s . School District 91 to the morning slot.


1:52 p.m.


After the set is cleaned from the ‘pie fiasco’ at the previous trial producers move forwards in filming Crayola v.s Stallion for this slot


1:54 p.m.


Studio audience is seated, 63 in attendance after the aforementioned ‘pie fiasco.’


1:56 p.m.


Prosecuting lawyer Larry Gutenberg and Defendants lawyer Phil Leagle enter and take seat in front of the set


1:57 p.m.


Edna Crayola enters onto set dressed as if for a funeral.


1:59 p.m.


More awkward silence.


2:02 p.m.


Phil Leagle’s phone starts playing ‘Sweet Caroline.’ Everyone is dissapointed that it is his ringtone and they do not get to sing the ‘bah, bah, bah.’ part.


2:04 p.m.


Leagle announces that Stallion has arrived on set but accidentally reared ended at 2013 Toyota Camry…that is red….


2:05 p.m.


I have received confirmation that is was my own vehicle that Stallion rear ended, great.


2:07 p.m


The defendant arrives in a stained white button up and jean shorts. To the surprise of everyone there is no scent of alcohol on Mr. Stallion.


2:09 p.m.


The honourable Judge Judy is called to the court, everyone stands in respect. Stallion perhaps trying to get in the judges good graces performs a deep bow of respect. The honourable Judge Judy rolls her eyes.



JULY 13, 2020. 2:10 P.M.


2:10 p.m.


Ms. Crayola has already burst into tears and is dabbing her eyes with a tissue trying to evoke sympathy from the honourable Judge Judy.


2:11 p.m.


Mr. Stallion, in an effort to one up her bursts into a louder fit of tears and falls to the floor wailing in anguish


2:12 p.m.


The honourable Judge Judy calls for silence in the courtroom, clearly annoyed at the transparent ploys for her sympathy.


2:14 p.m.


Ms. Crayola is called to read out her charges in her lawsuit against Gregg Stallion

-Mr Stallion’s dalmatian (Archibald) urinated on Ms. Crayola’s precious petunia plant while out on a walk.

-She is suing Mr. Stallion for $110.33 in damages both materially and emotionally.


2:15 p.m.


Mr. Stallion foolishly announces that he thought this court meeting was for the time he accidentally launched a firework into her home. His lawyer quickly tells him to shut up.


2:18 p.m.


CCTV footage of the Crayola household is shown as a blurry individual walking a large black and white dog passes by the crayola household.


2:21 p.m.


The individual has been standing still on the footage for 3 minutes and 24 seconds now. The honourable Judge Judy is clearly bored and impatient.


2:22 p.m.


The blurry individual walks off of the screen.


2:23 p.m.


The black and white dog bolts back onto the screen and jumps onto Ms. Crayola’s petunia garden.


2:24 p.m.


Ms. Crayola rises from her seat and triumphantly announces this as definitive proof of her case. The honourable Judge Judy silences the buzzing court room.


2:25 p.m.


Mr. Stallion is called to state his side of the story and come clean as to what really happened.


2:26 p.m.


Mr. Stallion and Mr. Leagle whisper for several seconds before Mr. Stallion rises and approaches the honourable Judge Judy.


2:27 p.m.


He claims that the basis of Ms. Crayola’s lawsuit is incorrect and therefore void as he is not guilty of what he was sued for.


2:28 p.m.


Mr Gutenburg stands up and yells an objection at the honourable Judge Judy. He is quickly silenced and Mr. Stallion is asked to continue.


2:30 p.m.


The CCTV footage is brought up again and is played once more for the audience.


2:31 p.m.


Mr. Stallion draws attention to the 3 minutes and 24 seconds that the blurry figure is standing still on camera.



2:32 p.m.


He pulls a jacket out from his stand and shows the honourable Judge Judy that the coat is actually lined with a translucent film that can hold 5.6 liters of alcoholic substance.


2:33 p.m.


Mr. Stallion declares that he was outside Ms. Crayola’s house drinking from the straw attached to the coat as a break from walking Archibald.


2:34 p.m.


Ms. Crayola accuses Mr. Stallion of distracting from the main point and not actually giving any reason for why his dog did or did not urinate on the petunias.


2:35 p.m.


Mr. Stallion tells her to be patient in an extremely passive aggressive manner and continues.


2:37 p.m.


The CCTV footage is shown for a continued 2 minutes and 58 seconds before Mr. Stallion calls for it to be paused and highlights that there was a small leak from his jacket that sprayed onto the petunias.


2:40 p.m.


The image is enhanced and sure enough it is clear that the stream of liquid that killed Ms. Crayola’s plants was not dog urine but rather hard alcohol.


2:41 p.m.


A flustered Ms. Crayola stands and demands to know why his dog ran back to the flowers.


2:42 p.m.


Mr. Stallion smiles and pauses for dramatic effect he says that Archibald was not just any ordinary dog but rather a retired police dog.


2:43 p.m.


The doors burst open and several polices officers enter lead by Archibald, the police dalmatian.


2:45 p.m.


The officers announce that Ms. Crayola is under arrest for the trafficking and possesion of 2.6 kg. of cocaine that was buried underneath her petunias that Archibald sniffed out when he and Mr. Stallion were leaving.


2:46 p.m.


Ms. Crayola sprints towards to exit but slips on pie residue from the earlier fiasco before being shot with a taser by the honourable Judge Judy.


2:48 p.m.


The audience breaks into applause for Archibald and Mr. Stallion as Ms. Crayola is carried away by the LAPD.


2:50 p.m.


The honourable Judge Judy shakes Mr. Stallion’s hand and declares the case to be won by the defendant





I will be placing a lawsuit against Mr. Stallion for damages to my 2013 Toyota Camry. However I am 5th in line in suits against him.



 1200 Words




Edited by SweatyBeaver
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