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Scouting on Lexi Glass!


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Scouting on Lexi Glass!


It is almost time for the VHL Draft to occur and the scouting messages are starting to fly around to different prospects in the league, one being the Ottawa Lynx winger, "Estonian Princess" Lexi Glass. Lexi, who had been continuing her modeling career on the side of her hockey career was caught in Miami, Florida and asked some questions regarding her draft status. Here is what she had to say!


In terms of overall development, how do you see your career going?

I will continue to grow my talents as much as I possibly can. I know my hockey agency has only had players that had not been considered great players but I am trying to break that mold and really represent the AW13 agency to the fullest. Players like Revchenko or Crawford that were part will hold nothing on me, I am trying to be a star!


What do you bring to a locker room?

I'd like to think I bring a lot of fun! I can be quiet at times but am always around to support the players on my team. I like to have a good time joking around and what not and hope I can add that to any locker room. I also am very passionate about winning and really want to see the team win some games and will always cheer our wins no matter how big or how small!


In regards to winning, are you cup chasing?

I don't know if I would call it that. I want to win and want to be in a place where I can win. It is something players from my agency have stressed about. Revchenko and Crawford never won any cups but Oli did get close when he was traded to Helsinki. I want to be the first to win a cup and where average careers last about 7-8 seasons, I don't think I could waste any time. 


So you would not consider yourself a one team gal?

Again, not what I would call it but if the team is not showing any hope of winning, I don't really want to be there. I will always test the free agent market looking for the best opportunity for me even if I am on a team that made the playoffs because maybe things would change in terms of overall competitiveness. I know this could hurt my draft stock but it is okay, I am wanting to make the most out of my career.


Do you care about money?

Um, I would say no. I wouldn't say no to some good money but that usually would mean that the team is not in a super great position to win unless I am the defining piece which, who knows!? If I am on a team that does not try to win, I would expect a good sized contract though, so it matters only sometimes.


A lot of these things may hurt your draft position, what do you say to that?

Yeah, I realize that some teams may not want to take a chance at someone that plans to put herself in the best position to win as many cups as possible even if it means playing for 5 different teams in my career. Teams are looking for franchise centerpieces and while I think I can be one, I don't know if I should be considered one right out of the gate. Who knows? Maybe a team that wins a lot takes me and I never have to leave. When I say I will test the free agent market, it does not mean that I am going to leave, it just means that I am using my agency to see what is the best situation for me. It may be that where I already am, is the best situation , and that is okay.


I felt like I needed to say something prior to the draft so the teams could read this article and plan accordingly. Will it hurt my draft stock, most likely! Will teams still take a chance at a guaranteed winger option, yeah I think so!


Last question, what kind of playing time do you want or are you staying in the VHLM?

Another tough question but one I have definitely thought about. I am content right now being a top line option in the VHLM. I do not want to go to a VHL team to be a 3rd or 4th winger getting a few minutes of ice time. If I can be a top 2 line option, I would go up right away if asked but I don't really want to be a fringe player in the league.



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