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Warsaw Draft Recap


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It's been a day or two since the VHL draft has run its course, and now, with the dust settling, we can take a look at our draft night. I would definitely say Warsaw had one of the top drafts this season, with the only other two teams that surpassed us being VAN and LON. This draft, we had the first overall pick (woot woot), 19th, which we traded for a 22nd and 28th, 23rd, 39th and 55th.


1st OA | Aloe Dear

With the first overall pick, we just knew we had to pick the best available player in Aloe Dear. Despite their pre-draft comments about wanting to test out free agency when the rookie contract expired, Aloe was still our go-to pick. A lot of GMs, when hearing that most likely would have passed on him, but we decided that our team is in a prime position to be competing for cups when Aloe's initial contract expires. Warsaw is probably one of the only teams that are currently set up to have everyone hit their prime in 2-3 seasons. Although the risk is quite high, the upside is also huge. Aloe has been a consistent full cap TPE player per week, and it shows in their total TPE and play in the minors. Aloe was second in total TPE, the night of the draft only to Thornton. Aloe in the minors had a monstrous season of 46 goals, 49 assists and 99 points, doing so on very efficient numbers and minutes. Averaging a shooting percentage of 11.8% and 1.29 points per 20 mins puts Aloe near the top of the draft class in pure efficiency. Furthermore, Aloe fills a need of Warsaw in the winger position, since at the time of the draft our only winger was Lin. Aloe's offensively focused play is sure to improve the scoring ability of any line he plays on and should help give us a spark in the offensive zone.


22nd OA | Tim Waters

Our twenty-second pick was able to net us, Tim Waters. Despite the pick looking odd on paper, as Warsaw already has two centers for the future in Dayne and Lamb, after talking with Waters, we were impressed by the maturity and selflessness he had, in being okay to change positions. That allows us to be much more flexible in our draft and team building, which was one of the reasons we liked the pick so much. Not only that, but Waters has been a machine in claiming TPE, averaging around 10 capped per week, which is great for the second round. Waters also plays in a way that makes everyone around him better also. He's mainly a puck-moving center, who loves to get his teammates involved in plays. This can be seen with his stat line of 8 goals, 53 assists and 61 points. In this draft class, Waters is probably one of the best puck movers, which is essential if we have a team primarily shooters, which Warsaw is. Waters is also not afraid to get physical, as seen with his 114 hits last season down in the minors. His play is sure to be an asset for Warsaw and can improve an entire line's play. I can see him leading the league in assists at one point in his career.


23 OA | Lexi Glass

Right after Waters with the 23rd overall pick, we selected Lexi Glass. Now initially, we thought that Glass would be gone way earlier than 23rd, in fact, we had them going as high as the first round. Fortunately for us, Glass slid down an entire round, right into our hands. Not only was Glass's total TPE the highest in the second round, but they also claim 12 capped per week. I'm calling it right here, Glass is the steal of the draft. Although Glass's stats in the minors might not be eye-popping with a line of 24 goals, 19 assists and 43 points, Glass did it all with impressive efficiency. Only playing 22 minutes a night and shooting 13%, I can see Glass's numbers improving massively if they got more minutes and had a different line. Glass much like Dear, is an offensively focused player, but even more so. Glass loves to play a fast, aggressive game that can translate nicely into the big leagues. Glass can bring intensity and scoring to any line their on, and will probably lead the league in goals for a season in their career.


28th OA | Chris Reynolds

With the 28th pick, we selected Chris Reynolds. With this selection, we have our winger core for the foreseeable future set up. Reynolds is another great TPE earner with around 10 capped/week. He also had a respectable stat line of 25 goals, 28 assists, 53 points last season. In this draft, you might notice a trend for the players we drafted. High-efficiency players. Reynolds put up that respectable stat line with just 20 minutes a night and on 12% shooting. With more minutes, and a larger role on the team that could translate to some great high point seasons. Reynolds is also a decently physical player, racking just over 100 hits last season. In the future, I can see Reynolds as a solid two way forward with more of an emphasis on scoring. Reynolds will be the type of player you can put with anyone and will perform well. Currently, his play is well rounded with less extreme skill sets, which makes him a jack of all trades that we can play anywhere, whether its the PK or PP.


39th OA | Angel Wachiure

With our 39th overall pick, we took Angel Wachiure. Once again a very efficient player, wherein only 17 minutes a night on 11.2% shooting, put up relatively impressive numbers of 26 goals, 28, assists and 54 points. Now as a 3rd round pick, Wachiure's TPE earning is quite impressive, averaging 6 capped per week. Considering many 3rd rounds picks either go IA or claim on 4 a week, Wachiure is a solid steal in the third. His play primarily focuses on individual skill and scoring, which is what many of the VHL greats also focused on. If Wachiure continues to develop, he could become a solid player who can add a scoring spark when he goes on the ice.


55th OA | Nathaniel N

With the final pick we chose, Nathaniel N. His TPE earning is impressive for a fourth-rounder with multiple weeks of 10 capped. Unfortunately, San Diego was unable to take full advantage of him in his season in the minors, with him only putting up 3 goals, 28 assists and 31 points. Despite that, we loved the way N plays. A primary puck-moving defensive player is just what our team needs to counterbalance the other offensively focused players. He just like Waters, could one day be one of the top playmakers in the league.


1051 Words claiming weeks ending in Sept 13 + 20

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