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Why Jeffrey Pines Should NOT Have Been Selected First Overall


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??A Brief Summary ??


JEFFERY PINES is a first-gen, meaning very shortly he will go inactive, and stop earning. (BUST)

Jeffrey Pines’ Earning History


Currently, Jeffery Pines averages 10.261 Capped TPE per week. This is behind much safer picks like JACOB TONN (11.652), MICAH ADRIENNE (12.0), TYLER WALKER (10.773), DAKOTA LAMB (10.9), and JOHN MERRICK (12.0). Honestly, the list goes on and on, but those are just a few averaging more. Maybe he can't handle the media pressure in LA, I'm not quite sure what's going on there.

The S73 VHL Draft


Another BUST, GROOVY DOOD, was taken at 1st. We'll save that for a rainy day. Pines dropped to 8th, taken while GUARANTEED STARS like PATRIK LAINE and DAKOTA LAMB were still on the board. Unbelievable. No wonder LAS' prospect pool only got a B+ grade in MattyIce's S74 Future Watch. (found below) 

Closing Statement


The OVERPOWERED S73 VHL Draft had many players to choose from, and there is a reason JEFFERY PINES "dropped" to 8th overall. Next to no discord activity, acts as an updater but gets overshadowed by the volunteering MexicanCow123, and all this stacked upon Rory being an Oilers fan. I think 8th was almost perfect, maybe just a little early for him. 



(Obvious sarcasm, I mean no ill-will to anyone mentioned in here. Rory is a great guy and I wish Pines success, just doing this for the kekw's)

Thank you @a_Ferk for the inspiration, go check out his article below to actually learn something. @rory  Lamb > Pines.


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