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Pietro Angellini - Lost in Moscow


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After an eventful and stellar VHLM career, Pietro Angellini was called up to the Bigs by Moscow Menace GM @Victor and all things pointed to a solid first year campaign with his new teammates. Pietro was riding high. His dream of making it to the top league on the planet was coming true. But, as he found his seat on the International Flight to the Motherland, Pietro acknowledged that he felt full of doubt, questioning everything. He wasn't at fault. Imposter Syndrome affects even the best athletes, not to mention most people once in a while. Pietro was reluctant and seemed a bit off when we caught up with him via video call once he landed. 


Interviewer: "Pietro, it's finally time. You've officially made it to the Bigs. How does it feel?"


PA: "Different. You know how ironic life can be sometimes. Everything plays out in a dream sequence, unreal, and all of a sudden you're in a foreign country with a huge opportunity but, at the same time, the weight of everything seems to be overwhelming. I don't know when it hit me, exactly, or even if it really has yet."


Pietro clutched a book, always thumbing through some sort of text; The Kybalion penned by anonymous authors known only as "The Three Initiates"


Interviewer: "I'll be honest, you've taken me by surprise. I anticipated high spirits. Can you give us a look into what your mindset is going into the bigtime?"


PA: "I am definitely excited for the opportunity. But, every now and then, life has a funny way of testing your resolve. I have dealt with bouts of depression and anxiety for my entire life. Often times Hockey had been my escape but this promotion has been surreal and even though I should be nothing but excited, I have been feeling a bit lost lately. Mental health is no joke. Sometimes everything can go exactly how you've wanted it and you just can't shake that "am I supposed to be here?" feeling."


Interviewer: "Absolutely. A lot of times professional athletes are seen as larger-than-life figures who are immune to common afflictions. I appreciate you being open and honest about dealing with these kind of problems. Us Regular Joes can relate."


PA: "It's a rut, for sure, and I am getting through it but existence and meaning is something we all have to face at some point in our lives. I'll admit that this is potentially the worst time for me to be feeling this way. But I intend to use the uncertainty as motivation, flip the script on my own uncertainties. My new teammates in Moscow, Telkster @Telkster Newhook@GrittyIsKing09 and Mikko@Beketov just to name a few, have been more than welcoming and I intend on giving everything I have to contribute to the team's success."


Interviewer: "It is very noble of you to offer a look into some of the mental difficulties that come with such a demanding sport and career. We are looking forward to seeing what you can do at the next level and I believe a lot of our listeners and readers can relate. You are not alone."


PA: "I appreciate that. For anyone out there who has ever felt off, down-and-out, numb, just know you aren't alone. We all go through it, some more than others. Give time and respect to everyone, all walks of life. And the most important thing is to never stop working to be better than yesterday. Never. Quit."



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