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A Switch Up


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:dcd: - Dragons Report - :dcd:


Washington, D.C. -- And in his final act, defenseman Lance Flowers is, well, no longer a defenseman. In a surprise move yesterday, the D.C. Dragons announced that Lance Flowers, who signed with the team last year on a two-year contract to finish out his career, is making a switch to play left wing this upcoming season.


The move came as a surprise to many, especially considering Flowers' past career as an enforcer. Flowers previously won two Wylde Trophies as the best Defensive Defenseman, and came up a few votes short on winning a third. The Dragons were understandably looking at forward options given they only had four on the roster entering the offseason, and rookie defenseman Ove Dyrdahl wouldn't have had a major role in the rotation without a switch. But still, out of all the people to move, why Flowers?


To the aging player, though, it was a chance to try something new. Flowers had previously let interested teams in free agency know that he wasn't completely closed off to the idea, and when Dragons management approached him this offseason, he eagerly heard them out.


"I've said all along and I want to reiterate again: I'm here to win. And if I think this gives the Dragons the best shot of winning, of winning my first title in my very last season, you better believe I'm going to take it," Flowers told the press. "Sure, it's going to be an adjustment, and I'm going to have to work on my offensive skills. But that's something I'm excited to do, and you never stop growing."


The switch will likely pair Flowers on the team's top line with fellow veterans Benny Graves and Guy Lesieur. Time will tell whether the move, which does leave the defensive core in D.C. weaker than expected, will pan out for the team.

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