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WSJ Strong Start in Final Go-Round


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Eight years. Goddamn. Time flies by fast, seriously. I still remember the day I ventured out to this here site thanks to the newly founded affiliation check rules. I mean, the VHL had been around for 65+ seasons and counting, so obviously something here is working. Anyways, I had no idea what to do with my first player here other than that I had a pretty decent defenseman in the GOMHL that got FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY out of the Hall of Fame despite being the all-time leader in Shots Blocked. That guy was a heavy hitting/shot blocking, defensive oriented guy which was cool. With Wolf Stansson, Jr. I wanted to try something a little different and see what happened. 


Offensive, playmaking sort of defenseman. Clearly the sim engine does not like their offensive defenseman so WSJ never really lived up to my offensive expectations which kind of sucks. But it is what it is and I've learned from this. Anyways, WSJ is in his eighth and final season. So I felt so much better finally having the ability to cash in all of my banked TPE I've been saving up for the last two seasons. Got WSJ back to his prime form in the primary attributes and the Prague team was going to be a lot better than last season, where we unexpectedly made it into the playoffs.


17 Games in, WSJ is surprisingly one point off the lead for a defenseman which kind of kicks ass. Does the experience attribute make a difference in how well a player performs? It certainly looks like it. Either that or the Prague's gameplay settings is finally aligning with WSJ's level of play. Or is it a result of WSJ playing primarily on the second/third line so the quality of line opponents is not as strong as the first line? Or something like that. Ok, I'm done rambling on here. Onto the sunset WSJ goes. But I'm gonna try and make a mark in my final season along the way. 

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