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Well it seems I was traded in the VHLM last week and tbh it was an alright move as I get to compete for a championship in SD playing for a GM I kinda know in the EFL in Rockstar. Looking at my stats as a whole this season it looks like I have struggled and ever since coming to SD even as a max 250 APE player, I have kinda sucked lol. Now tbh I don't know anything about the sim engine or hockey and I'm just doing whatever to my build lol but it is what it is. I've never been traded in a sim league before so this was new but at least I got traded to somewhere that was in a better position to win as I go up to the VHL next season which should be fun ig? Now I still have to ramble on for like 50 or so words as I'm just here for my month Affliate Check and all lol but I was a bit lazy so came a bit later next month and will be back again to talk about something new as by then I'd assume I'll be in the VHL anyways until there goodbye boys and have a nice day.

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