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So What's Next?


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Sticking with my theme of talking personal shit so I could earn TPE, what's next? What are my goals for next season? Well let's get into that.


Next season I honestly wish to take the next step. What do I mean by that? Well Come next season, I should be in the 600+ TPE range, and what I've learned in the VHL, this is the time in your career where you really start popping off. This seems a little basic, and it kinda is, but I wanna continue improving my build, continue to max earn and be a force to be reckoned with as soon as possible. Whether or not I ever move teams come the day I git gud, I'm not sure. Though now that I'm starting to get to those good season's in the VHL, I'm quite motivated to improve as quickly as possible.


Another thing I do honestly wish to take the next step in, though it might be out of my control, is in the management aspect of the VHL. I've expressed multiple times before that I wanna be a GM. Ever since the early days when I was pranking teammates and opponents alike. The reason why I think this goal is out of my control is because I'll never know when another GM spot will open up. Let alone be selected as a new GM to begin with. It may be wishful thinking, but I do hope that I can get promoted in the future. I'm fully aware that it may result in me leaving LVA if I do ever get the chance, to which that sucks a lot since I love it here in LVA, but who knows? Only time will tell. I think I'm still inexperienced, but hopefully heading into my 3rd season as an AGM, I don't fuck up another trade live.


Finally I wanna be more active and contribute more to the VHL community. Whether that be the VHL Twitter or the VHLM Insider (Yes, the enigmatic insider is really just stupid ol' me), or something else, I wanna help out the community more with what I can do. In true masochistic fashion, I aim to become more active when I already have a hectic schedule and a more hellish next semester ahead of me.


Anyways, I'll keep this short and hopefully I see y'all next week for an article long overdue...


(401 words)

Edited by JigglyGumballs
I'm stoopid and can't English
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