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Getting an "A" - Pietro's 3rd Season in Mother Russia


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After two productive seasons in the Bigs, Pietro has been tapped for assignment as an Alternate Captain for the Moscow Menace. A huge honor. Pietro has worked tirelessly in Moscow to become a staple in the Menace lineup. With two seasons under his belt (50 and 53 points, respectively) Pietro is looking to jump to the next level in S76. We caught up with him after a Sunday Morning Skate to see what his plans are.


Interviewer: "Morning, Pietro. Big news today. How's it feel to get that "A"?"


PA: "It is a huge honor. I am humbled by the news. GM @Victor must believe in me. I am going to do everything I can to prove him right."


Interviewer: "A couple of solid seasons in the VHL, how do you plan on getting better from here?"


PA: "Same old story. Hard work. Put in hours skating with the boys, hit the weights hard, and I think I am going to throw in some Hot Yoga this year. Been hearing good things about that stuff."


Interviewer: "Hot Yoga, eh? Fascinating. You're full of surprises. The Menace took another early exit from the playoffs in S75. What is the plan to take it all the way in S76?"


PA: "I know I need to be better on special teams, whether it be Power Play or PK. We have to make the most of our chances. I know I kicked it up a notch physically (92 hits) and I took my chances (309 SOG). I think being well-rounded is the key to success. Just have to put in more work and hope the pucks find the twine."


Interviewer: "Absolutely. You took noticeable jumps in physicality and offensive presence. Even contributing more defensively with 27 blocked shots. Could S76 be the year of the Menace?"


PA: "I think so. I think we have a good shot. We have our star in Mikko @Beketov and we added some new firepower with Kris Rice @Ricer13 coming on board. Even snagged a new tender in Tonner @MexicanCow123. Some new faces but the same mentality. We want that Cup."



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