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As is regular occurrence we are once again back this week with #AsktheBouch with Rookie Robert Bouchard of the Prague Phantoms as he continues his rookie campaign in the VHL. To date it has been a lack luster rookie season with the VHLM Philadelphia Phantoms former leading scorer starting the season with a lack of ice time that lead to lack of production followed by more ice time, more production but once again has fallen into a slump. So is the way of being an inconsistent rookie, right?


So welcome back Robert as the season continues and the trade deadline right around the corner what do you think this means for yourself and Prague moving forward?

RB: Well, the team has already made a move to bring in Jungkok; who should strength our first line for a few season to come adding much needed support to Landry while as far as I am aware we also landed one of the better tenders in the league in Gyrfalcon.

What does this means for me? Means less ice time again but stronger line mate on the second line. How will this play out moving forward, that I cannot say but past experience has shown less ice time mean less chance and less production.


So overall what do you think of the trade?

RB: It is a good trade that will make the team better. Putting a side my own ice time and production for the team as I am still a rookie and I am not expected to carry the team. The team continue to mention me as their future so I simple need to be patent and my time will come; hopefully sooner then later.  


Next time we sit down should be right around the end of the season as we continue to track the progress of Robert Bouchard as his VHL career unfolds in a series we like to call #AsktheBouch.

(321 words)

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