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(S33) G - Vladimir Bodnar


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I meant priority in terms of out bidding contracts in our case. If I started the bid at 400k,dont u need to go above it?

Edited by tfong
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Oh, no...its based on like average pay per season..or something like that.

So since i offered him 400 for two seasons vs your one, mine is above (i think)

Edited by Draper
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I offered two years 400k after your two year 200k so Ithink you have to go above first?

Where is corco we u need him.

Edit : Oh nvm you edited your offer before I Re upped heh.

Edited by tfong
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guys when you make a new offer please make a new post. When you edit the posts it becomes much more difficult to understand.



I seriously can't figure who gets him now.

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Actually nevermind, draper is correct. Oslo property.



fuck this. 



I don't know how (or even if I'm allowed to access) edit logs, so the admins will need to look into that.

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Pretty sure anyone paying attention knows I haven't let any fa bidding get past 1 hour let alone 24 before responding or withdrawing.

Especially since I've been chasing Bodnar since fa opened lol.

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Pretty sure anyone paying attention knows I haven't let any fa bidding get past 1 hour let alone 24 before responding or withdrawing.

Especially since I've been chasing Bodnar since fa opened lol.

alright fine, but you still have to wait 24 hours since a team can outbid you still

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