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Claimed:A First Look At Collier’s Clients – Part II

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A First Look At Collier’s Clients – Part II


[Continued from here: http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/9878-a-first-look-at-collier%E2%80%99s-clients-%E2%80%93-part-i/]


C - Nikita Solchinyzyn




Many young hockey players have lived privileged lives, but that certainly isn’t the case for Nikita Solchinyzyn. The Russian center fled his home country at the age of eleven when his mother, a journalist who had frequently reported on corruption and abuse of power by government officials, was shot in bright daylight and nobody was ever charged for the murder. Nikita and his father came to Canada where he continued his hockey career that he had started back in Russia, working his way through the bantam and midget leagues and into the OHL all while going to school and also having to work a part-time job to support his family. Solchinyzyn is currently playing for the Windsor Spitfires where he centers the third line and scouts especially like his workmanship and two-way game. Watching him make it to the VHL would certainly be a nice feel-good story, but life isn’t as easy as that and he still has a lot of work ahead of him before he can make that happen.


D - Nikolai Prokhyurszkyn




Nikolai Prokhyurszkyn is another Russian that was signed by Collier’s agency, but unlike Solchinyzyn he is still playing in his home country. The young defenseman possesses both impressive physical and offensive tools and is one of the most noticeable players almost everytime he steps on the ice. He is mobile, has a cannon of a shot and loves to play the body, but can sometimes be a little too wild while looking for that big highlight-reel hit or goal and neglect his defensive responsibilities because of that. Prokhyurszkyn’s defensive game still needs a lot of polishing in order for him not to be a liability against stronger opposition, but his ceiling is incredible high as he can take over a game and set the momentum already at his very young age.


LW/C - Landon Laich




Is it just a coincidence that Collier’s agency signed Landon Laich, younger brother of Logan Laich, just days after Logan was traded to Collier’s team, the Cologne Express? Probably not, so now the younger Laich has to prove that there is more to him than just his brother’s name. Landon is a playmaker first and foremost, but he also plays a solid physical game and is good in his own end. He is a rather unproven player so far, only playing in lower level leagues in the States so scouts are unsure about his general talent level. Recently Landon has expressed in multiple interviews that he doesn’t want to be compared to his brother all the time and instead prove himself on the ice – which will probably remain wishful thinking, given how much Logan Laich has been in the media over the last few weeks.


RW/C - Lauri Lehtuvuori




Touted as one of the best goalscoring prospects in European junior hockey, Lauri Lehtuvuori decided to leave his native Finland last summer and join the more professional Swedish junior hockey system. After a rather average year adjusting to a new environment and the higher level of competition, his star isn’t shining as bright anymore and many scouts have soured on him, labeling him inconsistent and selfish. Others still see a lot of potential in the young winger who can also play in the middle so next season could be a make or break year for Lehtuvuori. The Lahti-native possesses a deadly shot and some nice puck-skills, but lacks footspeed and sometimes struggles in his own end which could prove to be a problem at the next level.

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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Content: 3/3 - There is possibility of another like? I'm disgusted. 0/3! Kidding, another great article, good work.

Grammar: 2/2 - No problems for me!

Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good!

Overall: 6/6


Final: 6

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