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Cody Lachance on his tryout with the Philadelphia Reapers


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Few weeks ago, Cody Lachance had a call from the Head Coach of the Philadelphia Reapers in the VHLM. This call was an invitation to a tryout with the team for the rest of the season, an opportunity for the young guy from Quebec City to prove himself in the pros and hopefully, get a chance to be drafted in the big league, the VHL. Cody played a total of 9 games in the season, getting an honest 5 points (5 assists). We called Cody, via Zoom to talk with him about this learning experience, his expectations about his future in the hockey world and also, his plans for the next season. 


Cody Lachance : Firstly, I want to thank a lot of people for this whole experience, this was a very learning opportunity and I can say that I did the most of it. I firstly want to thank the Head Coach @DMaximus for the opportunity, he took a chance on me late in the season, and I learned a lot from it in those 9 games (+ playoffs). I think I have a lot to offer at this league, it will be amazing to work this off-season, prepare for the next draft. First thing I learned when I joined the league is that nothing is given here, you have to work extremely hard to compete and that's whay I'm planning to do this off-season. However, I can see myself performing in this level of hockey, with some trainings and more experience, I can see myself out of the pack. The main part of my game that I need to work on his the skating, guys in this league are very fast but also much bigger, If I want to perform, I will need to work on these legs and gain speed. Secondly, the defensive aspect of the game is very important and it's something I need to put energy on, people here don't focus on the offense, they build offense with their wise defense. In the junior leagues, you just need to be aggressive and skilled to compete, but in the big league, I feel like you need to be versatile and be good on both side of the ice. 


Reporter : What are your plans for the upcoming season, any idea where your going to be drafted, if your drafted? 


Cody Lachance : That's a good question, to be honest I have no idea if I will be drafter in the VHLM, but the one thing I'm sure is that I will work my ass off to put all the chances on my side. Like I said earlier, nothing is given. I will also be willing to play for any team that want me. I also don't know what to expect from this draft honestly, I just hope I will be in a good organisation that will work as hard as I do to compete. 


Reporter: Thank you Cody for your time, good luck in the playoffs against Houston, I'm sure this will also be a great learning experience for you as a young player. 


Cody Lachance : Yeah that's for sure, thank you, go Reapers. 



524 words, I'm french canadien, sorry for the spelling mistake and the weird english 

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Very good job, I loved the use of italics, and also the overall flow was very good. A cool idea with the interview part, and also good job including a picture. Very well done!


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Good stuff that gave some insight on your early experiences as a player and presented in very decent formatting. Good luck for the future, you found yourself a great team there in Philadelphia!



Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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