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Posts posted by Nike

  1. I'm thinking of studying some sort of combination of economics and finance. Could you share you experience?

    Economics theory (which is really the bulk of the work) really came naturally to me. Understanding consumers and markets is interesting, and I really enjoyed it.

    As for finance, the surface level beginners courses are fairly easy to understand. If you're looking to take a route of more personal finance and want to be a financial advisor (those jobs are everywhere but commission based, which is why I stayed away from them) then the content is fairly easy. Corporate finance is a bit more difficult because it requires a general understanding of accounting (balance sheets, ledgers, income statements) and then high level finance on top of it.

    In finance, I particularly enjoyed fixed income and high yields. That's where the real money can be made, and if you get an MBA or go for a masters in Finance, places like Goldman Sachs and M. Lynch eat you up for 80-100k a year. I can assume those are long weeks, so I settled for a bit less.

    I'm starting off at Deloitte & Touche LLP doing some consulting work because it encompasses all that I've learned and, frankly, pays me the best. But I had a multitude of job offers from banks, insurance companies and accounting firms because people with business brains are still in relatively high demand.

    Regardless of the area that you decide to study in business, its so important in the market now to have taken course work on IT stuff. People don't realize often (I didn't until working for one of the U.S.'s largest custody banks last summer) that banks are really technology firms masked by the fact that they use banking to generate their income for shareholders.

    Anyways, sorry for the longwinded response and if it came off as a "brag". At times it felt that way coming out, but I'm passionate about this kind of thing and do enjoy sharing my experiences. Good luck if you do decide to pursue economics and/or finance, Cowboy!

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