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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    Well, the titans won 2 cups in their contention window. We arent in that window for like 2 seasons now. But I guess you couldnt figure this out by yourself. Of you think the titans were built to win a cup, you are as delusional as kendrick
  2. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    Nah man, he was the real deal
  3. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    Probably weak trade negotiations like yours
  4. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    My top gm awards should speak for themselve And is this the trash GM of Cologne that tries to talk shit? I think so And I'm not saying that I was the best GM, however, never made a bad trade
  5. With that said, I can finally brag on how many cups the habs won while there was only 8 teams in the league. What a douche
  6. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    The value is set on the demand. You had demands and next season as well. You just didnt profit on it. Thats on you
  7. boubabi

    Games 188-196

    he did what he had to do to have a chance to win this game WE WERE IN THE SAME DRAFT CLASS HOMIE
  8. boubabi

    Games 188-196

    @Higgins, you might want to click on game 196
  9. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    *if he updates
  10. riga's mvp right here
  11. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    If only the prospect was pierre luc something, now it would be better because he has some potential plus he fits with your window of contention But with mueller ?
  12. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    Yeah, but dont sell it as "the offer on the table is 2 1st" when in reality, the price is just a member that has nothing left in the tank and a low first. If you dont know how to make a bid war, not my problem. It just shows how weak of a GM you are and how STZ is a better one.
  13. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    If you put any hope on adv's player, its a L. Also, you may have the 8th pick oa, which is far from a safe pick So NYA got a fully signed, inactive frank for not much
  14. Even without cornerstone, we plowed Riga 5-4. Good thing they have an average gk
  15. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    Its already a L
  16. Yes, they were the Vikings Rip
  17. boubabi

    NYA/DAV; S59

    the inactive market ­­> the active market
  18. Damn u willy
  19. It would be a very "brown" move
  20. It needs to be an official emoji
  21. Yes way
  22. - Kendrick
  23. Was sneaking on your ass to see what kind of man looks through s47 But nonetheless
  24. Find my cousin Amirite
  25. ?
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