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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. ehm is shit tho another broken simulator
  2. I respect their beauties
  3. Gone Girl : 8,2/10
  4. I would summon the shit out of her though
  5. you are rude Frank
  6. low quality gif, this should be better
  7. Lynx Watchmen Rush Outlaws
  8. ^this guy haven't read the whole message
  9. Draisaitl returning to junior, really Oilers ?
  10. Good win for the Habs. They shouldn't have let a goal late in 3rd but still, we won in shootout. Thanks to PA
  11. We should see first if this is an actual good idea and if the BoG/Blue team is okay with that. If so, we can adjust everything to be fair.
  12. I don't really care when it starts. I mean, personally I wouldn't have a problem against that if it applies to my draft class but it depends on a lot of things
  13. Sorry if grandfathered isnt quite on my vocabulary list Kendrick, it fucking means Grand-père in French SMH
  14. What this means with basic words now?
  15. The gif in my sig is the second girl
  16. We scored a goal ! Yay!
  17. I'm into brunette right now and I received some positive feedbacks from you guys but I can't decide who should I take. Here Taylor Marie Hill, a model And Here the second girl, the one and only Emily Ratajkowski, a model. You might know her from the Blurred Lines video. She doesn't mind doing some NSFW stuff, so beware. So who wins ? btw, I called my d*ck "Life"
  18. well, it's not about tpe whoring, now if someone do 9 tpe a week, he will eventually hit 99 everywhere (Like you, STZ etc) and I don't consider that as TPE whore since you don't boost your tpe amount with uncapped tpe and recruitement tpe.
  19. "TPE Whore", "Inflation" and "99 everywhere" are today's most discussed topics (except for Kim K's ass). Many have tried to find a solution to those "problems". Well, is there a solution ? Today, I'll try to find one and see if it's a good idea. When I first joined the league, I was surprise to see that there was only one defensive stat. Well, what I mean is I was used to see in my EHM Leagues stats like "Checking", "Positionning" and "Hitting". On STHS, it's only "Defense". Well, let's scratch "Checking" and "Hitting" since they are pretty much the same. So in comparison, in EHM, we have "Checking (Poke Check)" and "Positioning" and in STHS, we have "Defense". We can all agree that STHS is a way superior sim engine, my point isn't that, but since the offensive aspect of the game is spared on 3 aspects (Scoring, Passing and Stick Handling) I found it strange to only have 1 stat for "Defense" So here's my proposition : Double the update scale for the defensive stats. I'll write some pros and cons of this and we'll see if this is a good idea. Pros : Realism : Well, some might say this is a Cons because it's unrealistic to have an stats that require the double of TPE to be at the same point of another stats. But my point is that, it will be a little bit more difficult to have some 2 way defensemen or some 2 way forwards with that. I mean, we see often some maxed out forward with 99 defense easily. Player Build : With that in mind, player agent will have a certain new way to build their player. Offensive defensemen will have more difficulties to build there defensemen 99 scoring 99 passing and 99 defense (are they offensive defensemen with those stats ? well, I don't think so) and a defensive forward won't have necessarily 99 in the 3 offensives stats too. Cons : History : Beautiful as it is, the VHL history can be a pain in the ass. Yes, I said it. VHL's history is cockblocking most of the new ideas incoming since "it wouldn't be fair for everyone who wants to break records". Well, this is true, having a stats with the double of the update scale will reduce the OA by a good margin and it wouldn't be comparable with other player. The league have been running a certain way and most people will say that we should keep this going. Is it necessary ? : Some people might not agree that the defensive stats is "flatten" since there is the Checking stats in the sim engine. But, checking doesn't seem like an important stats. Let me explain. Since we doesn't see how much turnovers our player do or create (Thanks to V1) checking hasn't been a really discussed has something really useful. Some people voluntary build their player without checking because it cost penalties to the team and doesn't seem quite "useful" We prone an offensive game : VHL is all about individual stats. Raising that will make things more difficult to member who aren't TPE whores and make players cry like babies and leave the site. We all know that Inactives Scrub > Recreates My Final thought : It's a stupid idea, the old boys club run this shit for 7 years and it doesn't need to be changed. Fuck you GUMBY
  20. bump. If you are interested to host this, let me know via chat or PM
  21. USA vs CAN This gunna b good
  22. We will fill the record book !
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