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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. I don't apply for Juniors unless I have a player in the league. I apply for Canada when I have a player in it
  2. @Sonnet @Nykonax you guys are fucking ridiculous. Jubo got it like 3 times in a row. Just because I run a pro team I should be exempt from running my country one once in a while? I think it's fair after applying every season to run Canada that I am entitled to do it at some point. Fucking 3 times in a row and you bitch the guy didn't get a 4th? Stop acting like She didn't answer your questions when she did. Act your age instead of making stupid allegations as I would be stupid enough to sit Blade over not hiring me. If the league thinks it's unfair for me to run Canada because I have a pro team I can step down.
  3. I have 7 forwards 3 D, going to need to dump some players next season and my whole team is on rookie deals pretty well.
  4. Don't get snarky, one person tagged you and you even said, "I go last in the draft so you knew full well it wasn't your turn. But yeah Now is the last pick of the draft which is your turn.
  5. F - Mark Gebauer G - Kalis Kriketers @Kylrad
  6. He was already taken, make another pick when you get a chance
  7. @Rent A McZ Takes F - Leph Twinger G - Alexander Pepper @Bushito Takes F - Kronos Bailey G - Tristan Iseult @Beaviss
  8. I have now taken over 3 teams here @Bushito Team 1 takes F - Vyacheslav Smirnov G - Johnny Carison @Bushito Team 2 takes D - Lando Baxter G - Kalis Kriketers @TacticalHammer takes G - Roger Sterling @Beaviss can go now
  9. Paolo Nano @MexicanCow123 pick please
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