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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. @boubabi my goal with Ying is to hit 932 TPE. By the seventh season. @Higgins take note I will be retiring a season early for 1% more of recreate TPE, hence Ying will be retiring at S61 trade deadline.
  2. I'll settle with Ying. I accept that I'm only going to max out as a good player and not a TPE whore HoFer like Tukio like I aspire to be. See, my media spot from a few weeks back.
  3. Did you get that threesome PM @Higgins? Ready to accept that proposal? And get laid with me and @boubabi?
  4. I can handle that job from now on though. No one even looked into all these recent trades and see if they fall under cap. I'll go do it shortly.
  5. I was all along persevering at learning from my bad trades. But my reputation is too great to change. When you have people like @Quik @Kendrick and @Corco not wanting to play for you confirmed, and @Phil rumoured, how am I going to succeed? Better to not waste this time and hand it off to someone more deserving instead.
  6. Not to mention @Ghost being the financier
  7. All karma for Odin sitting out rookie year! @tfong Genuinely sorry for that jab. That's just how I am. I would hate to have offended you if I did. You know how important you and Zero are to me
  8. Is it not clear? I have a bad reputation and people like @Quik and @Corco don't want to play for me. New first gens might not care or be in the loop, but that's not a recipe for long term success. I was never handed a good hand to start with, and most moves I made even before the last few days were horrible.
  9. He is barely 150 TPE. Not like I'm retiring him with 510 lol
  10. But Helsinki and Rudi Ying is where it's at.
  11. Aka Birkir Holm Gudnason. Fuck going into the S57 Entry Draft. I only made him to help Cologne. My sole allegiance is with Helsinki Titans now.
  12. Gudnason

    STO/QUE; S56

    So you finally agree that you are a deterrent? Lmfao when earlier you said that SWC3 didn't stop people from signing with the team or people wanting out.
  13. That is why Fujimoto shit the bed last year. Karma!
  14. Gudnason

    STO/QUE; S56

    Not in the fucking big leagues you haven't. And I'll make sure Bushito is aware of the process to enforce such arbitration ruling to ensure it doesn't get overlooked. I only signed with Vegas to win motherfucker. Didn't sign there to "help" you or "as a favour" even though I got along with you.
  15. Gudnason

    STO/QUE; S56

    Read my fucking post carefully you son of a bitch. You can sit out season two and season three. BUT! You can't sit out season one. Especially if he force calls you up from the VHLM.
  16. Read the other thread. You can't sit out the first season. Arbitration with the team having final decision is the key point. @Bushito I'm helping you here bud presenting what I know from reading the rules.
  17. Gudnason

    STO/QUE; S56

    If you don't sign you sit out your first season or it goes to arbitration at which point only the team decides if they accept or walk, you have no choice. In the second and third, you can attract a RFA offer sheet from another team, but I doubt another team would want to pony up enough draft picks for Stockholm to not match it. If they lowball Stockholm, Stockholm matches and you're locked in. The only way is if you sit out the second and third year. @Bushito @BobertZ
  18. With the amount of picks this guys has in a draft deeper than your microdick could ever penetrate, he can very well win a Cup or two with just a small free agent splash or two before all these ELCs expire at the conclusion of S59.
  19. GMs are exempt from three-year wait, so you can make one today for S58 and keep Komarov. @Higgins count this guy interested.
  20. Seriously? Thought you were a bright kid Fong.
  21. I am okay with that. But the search can get underway.
  22. Was planning on waiting it out to the draft lottery and entry draft, but Stockholm's sixth second round draft pick in the upcoming draft, in addition to a low-end first round draft pick, was the final straw. Only fair that the incoming GM gets to put their own stamp on the team. Matthieu Bourdon is the only remaining player under contract, so the potential candidate will pretty much have a clean slate to work with. With that, Birkir Holm Gudnason is now eligible for the S57 VHL Entry Draft. Although I understand that I was partially offered the position due to a lack of interest, the fact it was given to me and not under BoG rule in the interim shows there was some support for me. I thank you those for the opportunity, and am sorry to let you down. I know I might never get such an opportunity again, and I'll accept that.
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