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Everything posted by Gudnason

  1. I got charged by the RCMP for assault for a simple one handed shove. I've also got charged for harrassment for swearing at somebody. But then that dickhead in real life is like Kendrick. Overexaggerates how much he truly is hurt deep in his heart just to get people in shit.
  2. Booking a flight to Finland right after I buff up at the UFC gym for a year or two.
  3. Whoever is in charge of user permissions and user groups, please get the trainwreck avatar off my user and put some Finnish titties on there. Thanks

  4. Exhausted my daily quota sorry. Would have given it the confused like anyways.
  5. Chinese people do say it in people's faces.
  6. That's all you get for assault? Time to hop on a Finnair flight and invert some faces.
  7. Sometimes I called them into strangers. Sometimes I called them into random people I know of, and they know of me, but never ever talk to. And ask @tfong, wishing people's future children to not have anuses is a really severe insult and diss in Chinese and not what mental people said.
  8. Just as trolls know they can get away with shit on the internet, most people know they can't get away with jail time in real life if they beat the shit out of somebody or punch them in the face, no matter what the other person said. Elementary school teacher ever told you that the person who resorts to fists is ALWAYS wrong?
  9. @Quik I like the award reaming too. Maybe that is why @BobertZ is hoarding so much cash. Many people live for glory and having a trophy named after them is like a living legacy. Kudos for the well thought out ideas and for the willingness to put this in motion.
  10. That could work. Thought it would have to be so expensive that a ninth season is a tough decision and a tenth season is only someone crazy hardcore people who max out their bank on tanking teams for a good 5+ years can afford.
  11. Price for steroids is way too cheap, and to MAX an attribute for a week? How about try +30 TPE to that attribute still going by update scale?
  12. I expect you to come back and GM one of Calgary, Davos, or Cologne after Helsinki does the three peat this year
  13. Got into troubles with the cops lots. I've called in bomb threats to people I hate, which I would consider more borderline evil than talking about lives that haven't entered our world yet. I've also personally told people I wish their future children don't have anuses. But most people have good EQ in the world and don't punch you in the face. They just shun you in the future and treat you like you're mental.
  14. But my D is everywhere, thanks to @boubabi spreading it around like AIDS
  15. Might be wise to tag Vegas' interim GM here in case he misses it @Gooningitup
  16. Why not retire Kensington this week for S58 draft? Fits in with your window more?
  17. Also interesting to see how GM players are trending towards centres now. @CowboyinAmerica @Strtlght @TheLastOlympian07 anyone interested in writing a piece looking at how the GM player's position has evolved over time, or common scenarios or causations where they tend to favour one position over another?
  18. And looking at the past players sections, kudos to you. Don't know why some people think you retire often like DT and can't make a decent player. Even fucking Abbott reached 600, holy!
  19. You are wrong sir. I do shit like this in real life sometimes too
  20. Maybe Rudi Ying will actually start playing better now lol
  21. After Ying. Ying's sole purpose in Helsinki is to get 932 TPE by S61 trade deadline so I can carryover 8% for a 75 TPE S63 recreate.
  22. Gudnason

    Guntis Petenis

    I'll update the finances voluntarily after I finish presenting the EFL.
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