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Everything posted by NotAVHLM-GM

  1. Really you shouldnt bother , i appreciate your words, but i rather leave the game my death will clear things up.
  2. Ill happily try to explain outside of the game later if you want
  3. I understand omg, but just proceed with the votes, i am done with this game in general, i dont trust anyone on his words and that drives me crazy. I hope i am not stupid enough to try this game again, as my brain cant handle this.
  4. Not looking for sympathy, even if i am evil if there was someone on me they can confirm i didnt visit anyone, so while it is the truth, its not a way to sway voting. I did say just hang me, so i have given up on this game anyway and im not looking to be saved
  5. Yeah go ahead, i know I was in the wrong with this, but I'm not gonna check some sim league when im away with the kids. Thought we only could submit things during nights, but it is what it is. It was fun trying this game out at least.
  6. Crap, guess I was too late to submit my night claim, just got home and pm'd Gustav. Kids wanted to go to the zoo, so wasn't home until now. Doubt you will believe me though so proceed to hang me and you will have your evidence.
  7. Sure lol , but ill afk for the night then. Feel free to jail though, never experienced that Vote Berocka
  8. Because yesterday people kept switching constantly , ill just vote whatever the choice is before i go off
  9. Does explain the lack of mafia kills, work with em and have his name cleared like that. Although it might be seen as a town traitor traitor lol
  10. This is not how the game goes, I know that much
  11. Did they go differently in hope of surprising the mafia? As it certainly worked. Doubt its a action for the traitor to prevent a kill.
  12. Will do !
  13. Wasn't planning on claiming anything until it was absolutely necesarry for town to reveal. But I'm the Retributionist. Kept quiet so far as the last game I was dead the night after I revealed being the psychic, and can't learn much about the game while dead.
  14. Probably went after the target our doctor went to? Did one of the lookouts go with the doctor so we can check who else was there?
  15. Unvote rjfryman Vote nyko Didnt notice we switched
  16. Only wanted to vote someone when there was evidence. vote rjfryman
  17. stop projecting your fantasies on us
  18. We still waiting to get the Sherrif his results, wonder what he found
  19. Do all visits count as an attack then? As he specifically mentioned attack. Doctor makes sure they survive right?
  20. time for sleep, not going to vote anyone night 1
  21. Watch out though , might be a jester play. After everyone saying last game eagles should go day 1, it sounds like a prefered role
  22. Doubt he lies indeed, and if it was fake someone else would claim it afterwards i think. Even if a jailor isnt guaranteed it looks like he speaks the truth.
  23. if he's the jesster he has promised to kill me. I won't be voting with you, i'm scared of that guy
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