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Everything posted by NotAVHLM-GM

  1. This ^
  2. So with Alex Bridges indeed being evil, my other two night 1 visions can be either good or evil, so this wont help us much I think. But for the record the other names I had were Doomsday and Nykonax For night two: Mike or BarzalGoat is good!
  3. We all know by now its @Will you need for the cup
  4. Welcome to Malmo
  5. Welcome Zetterberg
  6. Sharkstrong out of these
  7. I just expected more of a win win win win win win win win lose win win win win or so as a summary Congrats though!
  8. have fun guys and hope you indeed end up together
  9. he gone, but maybe not, thinks we care
  10. that will be the next poll Maybe Zimmers
  11. Yeah but I seen your expansion tactic in the EFL. Draft Bumberpuff.
  12. I just went all in on Damien, #TrustTheBeard
  13. Yes I am
  14. I do tend to side towards rj's option though. As he is on my list as well as an evil option. That's why I wondered about the dual roles.
  15. Just a gameplay question: if we are already saying who will be investigated, isnt the chance bigger he does nothing tonight (and not post anything here) to look innocent/inactive?
  16. Also keep in mind, one is confirmed evil, the other two can be either good/evil, so not out the books either way.
  17. If RJ is who he says he is, I would like to weigh in that there is indeed 33 1/3 % chance he is right on Alex Bridges.
  18. What role you are claiming @rjfryman that you got this information? And is it possible some roles are used double in a game?
  19. Don't worry, Condor never knew he had a brother either until Micah created
  20. Voted Tonn as I see them trading down to an exp team
  21. And a confirmed 1st overall here He probably knows haha!
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