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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. The fall from grace begins
  2. Swapping W’s
  3. Close. GG DAV
  4. Good 1st period ?
  5. @AllMembersWhoDonateAndDontWin I am writing this message during a period of struggle, as TLO spits truth better than he currently gets points. Every team needs a Zack Kassian. As a member who struggles with the every day addiction of donating to this site and not winning the cup at seasons end, I feel your pain - the heart ache and the sadness that clouds your mountain of happiness trapped inside your now... lighter wallet or overdrawn bank account just to get your fix of this sweet, fake ass currency. You are not alone. My my name is Banackock. I am a “VHL Donating Addict”. I love each and everyone of you. Do not listen to TLO! STAND AGAINST THAT EVIL! real representation of these people coming for TLO
  6. Good win shit box team
  7. @Smarch @FrostBeard you both need to find a way to pass more. 3 A’s will not be good enough moving forward. Bless you
  8. Get the fuck outta town, Mickey
  9. Actually, I’ll take this to didcord. GG toronto
  10. You cantcan’t
  11. them are the best W’s
  12. 21 more pts until your career high and only 57 more games to get them... will be tight!
  13. It wasn’t even a comment towards Vancouver so go back to playing and making a mediocre player.
  14. Super confused... DC has 3 wins?
  15. But we beat weak teams only
  16. GG BEARZ. Tonight I feed you aged wine and salted crackers with the cheese from the holy goat. You have done well this day.
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