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    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S95 VHFL Group 11 - Complete   
  2. Haha
    Girts got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Ninefingers Card   
    😄 I was trying to be realistic lol, it's hard for a guy missing a finger to get 50+ apples, but he can stand in front and have 50 goals bounce off his shins easy enough! 
  3. Like
    Girts reacted to jRuutu in At the office of the updaters   
  4. Haha
    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in Ninefingers Card   
    Couldn`t even give him 50 - 50 - 100pts!! Wow!!
    But I do hope he has a good season as he let us down badly last season!!
    No more excuses of but I only have ninefingers!! You have two thumbs so you can hold a stick correctly so stop the whining and just put out!!
  5. Like
    Girts got a reaction from Thunder in Ninefingers Card   
  6. Fire
    Girts got a reaction from VattghernCZ in Ninefingers Card   
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    Girts reacted to Josh in S95 Regular Season Index   
    @VHL GMYou know the drill by now, GM's are required to submit lines using the Team Management section of the portal. If you have manual requests due to roster changes please PM me your notes.  Either discord or forum PM is fine.
    I have made sure your lines can all be made for this first set (IE no bots missing to make rosters incomplete) but please look over your rosters carefully to make sure everyone is present that should be, no one is present that shouldn't be, and everyone's position is correct. If you see any issues please notify me ASAP so it can be corrected for the first sim on Thursday.
    Copied from Bek because I'm just making the index for N0H, reach out to @N0HBDY for any questions or changes that need to be made.
  8. Like
    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in Wheels   
    More the brains of Wile E. Coyote though!!! 🤣
  9. Like
    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S95 VHFL Group 11 - Complete   
    D - Obuz Schneider Canet du Bocage
  10. Like
    Girts got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Guntis Card   
  11. Fire
    Girts got a reaction from FrostBeard in Guntis Wolf GFX   
  12. Fire
    Girts got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Guntis Wolf GFX   
  13. Like
    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S95 VHFL Group 11 - Complete   
    D - Mark Calaway
  14. Haha
    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in The Wolves Bollos de Trueno   
    @Thunder Why you looking down? You know this is the big leagues right? You are about to get rocked!! Keep you head up boy!!
  15. Like
    Girts reacted to Subject056 in The Wolves Bollos de Trueno   

  16. Like
    Girts got a reaction from Thunder in Wolves Cup Winners Coming Up!   
    Great write up! Let's Go!! 

  17. Fire
    Girts reacted to Thunder in Wolves Cup Winners Coming Up!   
    Get ready!  This is the week most articles when authors cover their team’s potential for the upcoming season, and there’s a lot of posturing on which team is the best.  Lucky for me, the talent on the Vancouver Wolves is making it easy to promote Vancouver’s upcoming championship season.  For those reading this, you might as well just use this media spot to select your predictions because you’ll have a good chance of winning.
    Starting with the Vancouver GM, @Frank, his masterful tactics of drafting and trading has prepared the Wolves for a very successful season.  His GM talent has been nothing short of impressive.  He knows what is needed to be successful, and always seems to fill holes to balance out the team.  He is thorough and patient with his decision making along with understanding what other moves the league is making.  Frank knows how to put the best lineups in the games and a team that can dominate, which is what Vancouver will be doing this season.
    Looking at the forwards, I’ll start with Liv Slater.  She is going to tear up the scoring stats this season.  She’s strong, fast, agile, and a dandy puck handler.  @Subject056 demonstrated her “team first” mentality this season by agreeing to move from defense to forward and brings all of her defensive qualities to the front line.  Scoring could be her main contribution this season, and I would bet that other players will be trying to mimic her build after seeing how successful Slater is this season.  In addition to being a scoring star, Slater is known as one of the tougher Wolves players and will drop the gloves against anyone.
    Logan Ninefingers adds another scoring punch to the team, and there’s a lot of excitement to see who Frank partners up Ninefingers with on the front line to bring a powerful attack to the club.  @Scurvy is another player who puts the team first, as he changed tactics last season to bulk up Ninefingers’ face offs after being moved to center.  For Ninefingers, his team play is in clear display given the number of assists he has been involved in over the past two seasons with Vancouver.  Ninefingers is sure to be in the top of the stats this season given his persistence for success.  And there is no way Scurvy will be satisfied with Ninefingers performance without dominating the face offs.  Logan Ninefingers also brings some aggression to the team which puts fear into the opponents.  He enjoys dropping the gloves and even though he has trouble winning the fights, his fight activity sparks the team and gives added energy to the locker room.
    Another forward Frank has in his arsenal is Owen Lazaro.  Lazaro came to the Vancouver Wolves last season and immediately made an impact with team productivity.  Her main contribution to the team is her passing skills to give teammates an opportunity to score, and when the teammates aren’t scoring, Lazaro is very capable of putting the puck in the net. @traphag, a first gen player, has put a potential superstar build with Owen Lazaro and is sure to be a well known legend.  With Lazaro’s current skills, she is sure to provide a great chemistry to strong lines and give this powerhouse Vancouver team a cup.
    Pierre Marc Bouchard is going to be rookie of the year in season 95.  This forward is loaded with talent.  PMB can score goals, provide assists, block shots, hit opponents, and knock the shit out of them.  PMB is the complete package and this is the beginning of a legendary player.  @Gaikoku-hito has built a player who is going to break Vancouver records, and likely VHL records.  Frank had to give up a lot to get Bouchard and has never looked back.  Bouchard is a dominating force on the ice and is sure to enhance the already powerful attacking prowess of the Wolves.  The locker room is excited with suspense and eager to get the season started for Bouchard to begin his hall of fame career with the Wolves.
    Riley Martin is another Season 92 draft pick, providing more proof that Frank is the GM of the year.  Martin is a team player who provides a lot of locker room support and builds team chemistry with his on ice abilities.  @Smarch has been around the VHL forever, and has given Riley Martin the skills needed to be an all round forward who enjoys success.  Martin is sure to be matched up with a complement of teammates to bring the best out of every player.  Riley Martin is “Mr Clutch” on the team and is relied upon when needed the most.  One third of Martin’s goals are game winners, and this is likely to continue given Martin’s tenacity to be a winner.  In the locker room, no holds are barred when it comes to keeping everyone accountable to the team and this type of team first attitude builds the chemistry.
    To complete the season 95 forwards is none other than Rip Wheeler.  If you haven’t figured things out yet, Rip Wheeler is a unique individual.  GM Frank saw something in Wheeler a couple seasons ago and managed to bring him over to Vancouver last season.  Scurvy and I thought Frank did this out of pity for @ScottyP, but we were pleasantly surprised at what this player has done for Vancouver.  You wouldn’t know that Rip Wheeler has any talent whatsoever.  He is the last one to show up in the locker room, his skates aren’t tied when he steps on the ice, and he barely makes an effort in training sessions.  But, when the whistle blows and the game begins, Rip Wheeler turns into something completely insane.  He produces.  He gets the job done.  In his own words, “I do what I do.”  Now, ScottyP may drive us nuts with his off ice antics and his lack of effort in the TPE earnings, nevertheless, he helps put the puck in the net.  This irrational play falls right into his chaotic actions IRL.  Scurvy has said many times, “That Boy’s Dumb,” only to be ecstatic that Rip Wheeler is on the team.  Given GM Frank’s confidence in Rip Wheeler, its safe for us to say that we all look forward to an outstanding season 95 coming from Wheeler.
    It’s time to talk about the defense, starting with Guntis Gavilrovs.  This defender is a beast and he’s just getting started.  @Girts has created a second Gavilrovs superstar and there’s nothing different about this monster.  Guntis Gavilrovs is the defending defender, enforcer, and team protector.  He’s a complete defender who lacks nothing in talent.  Gavilrovs drops the  gloves more often than Wheeler visits the clinic.  Guntis Gavilrovs is the locker room motivator.  He charges the team with his battles and blue collar play.  Gavilrovs gets an abundance of points while playing a huge part in keeping the puck away from the goalie and out of the net.  Guntis Gavilrovs is going to win at least two individual trophies this season, so its up to you all to figure out which two he wins when you make your predictions.
    Another Vancouver defender who will be winning at least two individual trophies this season is Mark Calaway.  This defender is the rock of the team.  Calaway is coming off a solid season with Vancouver and when he accepted a one year extension, fireworks lit off in the team locker room, and there were team celebrations for days.  Keeping Mark Calaway for another season changed the Wolves chances of being champions from hopeful to pretty much guaranteed.  @Beketov brings so much to the locker room and adds that skilled VHLer needed to help control the Vancouver pups.  Beketov has been part of the VHL legacy since the beginning of time and his wisdom is greatly appreciated by everyone on the team.  With two hall of fame players, Beketov is a genius applying tpe to his players and is ensuring that Mark Calaway plays an integral part in Vancouver getting the Continental Cup.  Everyone is curious to know how GM Frank will set up the defense around Calaway and get the best out of every player.
    To round out the defense until GM Frank finds the right player to complete the lines, is Bollos de Trueno.  GM Frank drafted Trueno to be a tough guy and a contributor.  The only contribution Trueno did in the VHLE was take up space.  He has yet to prove that he will drop the gloves and has been all talk with no punch.  Trueno looks OK on paper, but that is only because he rode the coattails of Pierre Marc Bouchard with Bratislava.  Trueno is supposed to be a hitter and a shot blocker, but has only been a marshmallow.  Granted, he has beefed up his defensive traits during the offseason but he still needs to prove he can handle the pressure in the big league, otherwise he’ll be ridiculed by Rip Wheeler, and rightfully so.  If Vancouver has any weakness to the team, it’s definitely in Bollos de Trueno.
    The Vancouver Wolves are extremely lucky to have two solid goalies to keep the puck out of the net.  Dalkr Vidarsson, has been steady as the net minder for Vancouver for the past three seasons, and GM Frank has the utmost confidence in Vidarsson.  Vidarsson is steady with a solid save percentage and consistent player who continues to get better with age and experience.  For @KaleebtheMighty, he’s been around the block and knows exactly how to build a player, and he’s done this with Vidarsson.  With Vidarsson’s GAA less than 3, and the potent offense, not to mention the star studded defense of Gavilrovs and Calaway to team up with Dalkr, this should be an easy season for Vidfarsson to earn the Aidan Shaw and Greg Clegane trophies on the way to hoisting a Continental Cup.
    The backup goalie for the Wolves is proving to be a superstar goalie, coming off the VHLE Championship and earning the Florida Man Trophy.  Soju, another potential hall of famer created by @Frank, will be building himself this season while scoring at least eight victories for the Vancouver Wolves.  Having Soju on the team is a valuable commodity and Frank is being selfless by doing this as Soju is sought after by many teams.  At some point there might be a team to offer too much for Frank to keep two goalies, but until then, the Vancouver Wolves are set with two solid goaltenders.
    As you can see, the best part of all of this is being a part of the Vancouver Wolves because this is a championship team that GM Frank has made and every member of this team is going to do whatever it takes to win the Continental Cup this season.  But that’s not all… the future of the Vancouver Wolves looks very good as every player on the roster right now is also playing in season 96.  This could be a double Continental Cup for the Wolves, especially after the cup goes to Vancouver this season.  There are three players who become free agents after this season and all three have a major impact on the success of the team this year, thus the importance of their re-signing could be critical for a repeat cup championship.
    The three players going to free agency are Owen Lazaro, Rip Wheeler, and Mark Calaway.  Owen and Rip are needed for the offensive spark as they have the team chemistry right now and are helping to put goals in the net.  Losing one or both could have a major impact on the attacking prowess of the Wolves.  And yes, it pains me to say that Rip Wheeler is a positive impact on the team.  As far as Mark Calaway, its not too often a team has a player with such talent, experience, history, and legendary.  As I mentioned earlier, Mark Calaway is the rock of the team.  His presence in the lineup has more of an impact than his statistical outcome.  Calaway is the centerpiece and a team is built around him.
    2028 words
    Claim 8/11
  18. Like
    Girts got a reaction from Subject056 in S94 Vancouver Wolves Awards   
    Congrats! What a great group! 
  19. Like
    Girts reacted to Subject056 in Aces - Logo Layering   
  20. Like
    Girts reacted to Thunder in THE BRIGHT SIDE   
    OH game on Villain.  Tomorrow you will be able to read the outcome of that daring rescue!
  21. Like
    Girts reacted to Tate in THE BRIGHT SIDE   
    REVENGE is a dish best served cold. The Villain strikes back! Watch out @Thunder @Frank @ScottyP @Scurvy @Gaikoku-hito @Girts because we're coming for you!
  22. Like
    Girts got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in S94 Vancouver Wolves Awards   
    Congrats! What a great group! 
  23. Confused
    Girts got a reaction from Thunder in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    My bad! I rescind my statement with sincere apologies! I must have confused Rip and Thunder, which I now apologize to Thunder for! 😁
  24. Like
    Girts got a reaction from Thunder in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. Assuming this is only over the internet I would say Olympic Caption This competition, where someone posts a funny picture and everyone posts a caption for it. Best wins gold. 
    2. hmm this is a tough one, I think Liv Slater is the smallest person on the team so they'd win because small and speed usually go together
    3. No but at 250 pounds I can out-float anyone! 
    4. Humbly I'd have to say myself but I think Ninefingers and Trueno would make it interesting.
    5. LOL. My money is on Ninefingers to beat Wheeler first, he still holds a grudge from a few seasons ago when RIP did not beat him in a fight. Ninefingers would unleash hell on him in a rematch. That said I'm winning the tournment. 
    6. Hard to say, we each have strong events but overall I'd say Calaway he has the most experience is well rounded and is also pretty strong. 
  25. Like
    Girts reacted to Gaikoku-hito in asdjudeuihciuuaioiehoihdoi   
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