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Everything posted by Tremblay

  1. Thanks guys!
  2. ahaha, thanks!
  3. Sorry to bother everyone but today is my birthday, 22 years young! Do I get 22 TPE
  4. Another great win! Although my guy is coasting, he needs to wake up!
  5. way too close :/ But we got the win! Good job boys.
  6. Ahahah I shall search for something just for you lol
  7. cool! can't wait to see how it turns our!
  8. s38 still the best!
  9. Good luck Moholt!!
  10. Steve Tremblay Forward Goals Points
  11. ahah I get your pain bro!
  12. Really nice!
  13. Game 340: Wild (6) vs Watchman (2)
  14. Game 336: Red Wolves Game 337: Blades Game 338: Rush Game 339: Royals
  15. Definitly didn't think the league was still up when kendrick sent me an e-mail to come by! It's a great league with great guys, you'll see!
  16. I tried ahah close game!
  17. Thats what happened to my guy last year for more than half the season -.- . One day they'll fix there lines ahah Good win boys!
  18. Game 266: Red Wolves Game 267: Watchmen Game 268: Rush Game 269: Royals
  19. Game 270: Outlaws (6) vs Lynx (2)
  20. Good luck with the new guy!
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