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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. Every post was on-topic and relevant. Sorry for trying to bring more activity to the forum, it won't happen again.
  2. oh, I didnt even see the poll options because my acct was in limbo, but I think you should still keep it WEEKLY but maybe try to be more condense and only cover certain topics (trades/standings/awards) when they become relevant instead of every week.
  3. I personally think that the VHL This Weeks just had TOO much info and was a daunting wall of text (to me, at least). I think a more reduced structure, where not EVERYTHING is covered every week... Like maybe only go over trades/roster moves at mid-point of season or trade deadline, that kind of thing. I also think reducing more things to point-forum/bullet-points as opposed to paragraph(s) of text would make it easier to digest. With that being said, I think you did a great job for VHL This Week and despite it being like a wall-of-text, I still found myself reading through them, when they were posted.
  4. This trade will have big implications down the road.
  5. Express Bears Stockholm Dynamo
  6. Saskatoon need me to GM yet?
  7. this mf'er really named GOLDEN tho?? was his dad in illuminati ??
  8. Chels signed a nice little backup keeper eh??/ #Repeat
  9. sure glad we aren't expansing the VHL right now
  10. Is this that Scotty Campbell guy who is supposed to be the best VHLer of all-time?
  11. I always thought it was only England/UK who did that. I doubt it extends to the average person working at their job, where I assume they use the standard YEARLY wage to describe their income level.
  12. Didn't Firefox recently block flash from working?? Try google chrome or IE and tell me if it happens there too.
  13. try a different web browser? (chrome, firefox)
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