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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. Please post a list of who voted btw.
  2. I'm dying @ the froggos of this league who voted sball the best trash talker over me. The guy who was scared AF of fighting me IRL is the best trash talker????? Right. I've never seen one funny post from that scrub. I give you classics like "Cologne more like Eau de Toilette" and then lose to trash?? Also Travis '85 pt season and 0 cups' Boychuk as the best 1st gen player??? Is this real life??? Did Frank and Kesler get 2 votes each? My worst season is on-par with his best season and I've got cups on my resume. Also, Michael Clardy got a vote? Again, is this real fucking life???? Close and lock this disgrace of a thread. Ban the VHLSC account as well.
  3. dead @ when Higgins said Mikaelson was better than 8, 1-2 threads ago.
  4. My experience with VHL is that there is ~3 competing teams and then a huge drop off to where every other team is trash. Thankfully I've always been on one of the competing teams.
  5. Game 96: Americans Game 97: Meute Game 98: Vikings Game 99: Wranglers
  6. pushkin vs. thomas o'malley IMO
  7. I don't think you want me to be doing that.
  8. http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/21835-halp-me/?p=240552
  9. You mean you went on SHL and canvased members to make a player here, right?
  10. Neither of you fucks should have more tpe than someone like myself who has consistently updated and hovered around the 9tpe/week cap for a good portion of my career. Whatever it is that is allowing this to happen needs to be looked at (I have no idea what it is because if I did, I would be abusing it like you guys do)
  11. Victor is already at 1/3rd of my tpe, which I've amassed after 4+ seasons of solid and consistent activity, and his career LITERALLY hasn't started yet. Im about ready to get back on my Fuck VHL shit, in an extra big way.
  12. Take away Kendrick's and Green's tpe imo. Also can someone explain to me how exactly BOOM has like 900 tpe in 2 seasons? (no offence boom) I've consistently done point tasks and held jobs for a majority of my VHL career and am somehow trailing people who's current player's career started 2-3 seasons after mine. If this league actually wants to grow, then this needs to be addressed or else it's just gonna be the same 10 people making elite players over and over again, while everyone else gets turned off due to the sheer impossibility of being competitive with these people.
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