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Posts posted by gorlab

  1. Gorlab confirmed younger than 16 for referring to weed as "loud" and being serious.


    You aren't Dion.OVOXO from SHL, are you?? I'm assuming you aren't, but I'm pretty sure his name is Kyle and he comes to this site.



    If you are Dion, you should know me better than that brah.


    If you aren't Dion, then come and say that to me IRL and we'll see what's really good.

  2. Go to the VHL Hall of Fame, look up Tukka Reikkinen. I'll wait.

    I had almost 10,000 posts on the old forum, didn't care to bring my post count over.


    Sorry sir! Didn't mean to disrespect a true VHL legend like that.

  3. Each stint I've had on the SHL has influenced why I feel that way. You guys regularly have members and their players suspended for forum content (or at least they used to), while bans nearly never happen in the VHL because people know how to act here.


    ... You have 146 posts.


    I'm sure you're relevant amongst this league and join in on all of the highly engaging and intellectually satisifying conversation that goes on here. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I will take it back to the SHL and try to emulate VHL since it is clearly far superior, according to you.

  4. Awesome, you have people to log on to the site and post bullshit, good for you. What's the average age of your members, like 12?


    Probably the same average age that visits this site.


    I like how VHL thinks they are like the intellectual centre of the sim hockey world.


    Why do you guys hate younger people so much? I guarantee you have a lot of high school aged people who are regulars here.

  5. The SHL is really that much better than the VHL? I've gotten like 8 emails in the last 2 months begging me to come back. If your league was really so good maybe it wouldn't be dying.


    We had more members online 2 days ago than your site has members period.



    We were just in a recruitment drive over the past week, hence why you probably got 1-2 emails.

  6. You spend hours a day on a site you don't like waiting for Svo to come on just so you can troll him.  You are just a pathetic child.


    Calm down Advantage, this doesn't concern you.

  7. Assuming I was crying.  :lol: 


    I typed up the OP in like 5 minutes, while smoking that loud, and laughing at how butthurt this community is going to get.




    Threatening to fight someone you assume is 12 years old, when you have kids of your own? Check your life out, bud.

  8. Guys I think we're just having a big misunderstanding with Gorlab. We don't know how kids his age talk these days.


    I suggest we let him and Kesler talk it out, then Kesler can explain it to us. As a preteen himself, Kesler may be able to relate to Gorlab. And since we can KIND of understand Kesler that could solve the problem.


    You have 11k posts on a fake simulation hockey forum. Check your life out, bud.

  9. I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Svoboda is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever. There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston,I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children! Praise be to Allah.
  10. Well no shit, I'm getting tired of that place, have been for a while actually. Only reason I kept my Co position when Ocho took over is because he wanted to work with me, and I know I can lend some insight, although at this point he sure as hell doesn't need it. I'll quit being Co in a couple seasons, hopefully, then just be the occasional fly on the wall over there because that's all the more that league deserves. Pop on here and there, do the occasional PT, and gtfo for sanity's sake. 


    You're really just making my point.


    lmao, real good attitude for an SHL GM.



    Why don't you just step down now then?

  11. Compton is overrated. It's developed so much and it's name just comes up because rappers made it famous. Lot worse places in LA, mostly places where the Mexican/latino guys hide out.


    Does your gang know you've put up 10k posts on a simulation hockey forum??



    fuck outta here.

  12. The biggest difference between SHL and VHL is that VHL realizes that activity simply for its own sake is useless. Activity with a purpose is what's needed, with a couple of off topic sections but not dominating the board with them. SHL has far too much discussion on completely bullshit and irrelevant things and calls it activity, and then brags about having more of it than us. If that's activity, we don't need it. 


    Coming from the most inactive GM in the SHL.




  13. oh the lulz


    Now it's 'the lulz'? What happened to stomping me out?


    Like I said, next time you are in Stoon (cuz people from PA come to Saskatoon, not the other way around) send me a PM on here and we'll see what's really good.



    And did you really just lurk out all day waiting for me to come online? I love the 90 messages you sent me. I think you need to exhaust your time into something else.


    I love how you're scared to respond.

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