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Posts posted by gorlab

  1. Jody 3 Moons. The Travis Tritt of hockey. The God Adonis. The Heir Apparent, The man himself goes by many monikers but his hockey talent is undeniable. 3 Moons has been working hard this off-season in preparation for the S39 VHLM Dispersal draft. After a disappointing playoff run with the Moscow Red Wolfs, Jody has re-focused himself on improving his game and raising his draft stock in an attempt to hear his name called as soon as possible at the draft. 


    He has specifically been seen in the gym working on his skating (65), passing (54), and face-offs (44). It is thought that after spending his 18-game stint with Moscow on their 4th line, averaging 1.25 minutes per game, Jody is gunning for top-6 ice-time with his new VHLM team. According to the bullish centreman from Ukraine, nothing else besides top-6 duty will be acceptable to him and he is hoping to play in the European conference so he can ensure Moscow understand their grievous error in misusing him on the 4th line. 

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