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Posts posted by Dominus89

  1. 1-If you got stuck in the elevator and was forced to listen to only one song, which would it be?

    Soilwork - Stålfågel, no doubt.

    2-What was your worst job?

    Working at a grocery store with tons of overtime, the boss didn't care for our health. I now work in another grocery store were the bosses truly care for their employers and not just earning money.

    3-What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

    Forgive and let go.

    4-If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

    New York.

    5-How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason?
    Mimic their ways. Eventually they stop.

    6-What is your goal/ fight song?

    Hell March from Red Alert 2. Never played often, as I rarely score and never fight. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Phil said:

    Week of 5/27: 


    Answer 6 of 10 questions to claim your 2 TPE:

    1. What is your favourite part of the VHL as a whole?
    2. San Diego are steadily holding at 4th in the VHLm. What can the team do to try to crack the top 3?
    3. What is your favourite pre-game food?
    4. Which attributes are you currently training and why?
    5. Where do you see yourself being drafted? 
    6. What is your favourite holiday retreat?

    1. The community in general, dont have to look far for a helping hand.

    2. Just keep working hard and score some more goals.

    3. As a Swede, you'd think meatballs with lingonberries... but it's actually chicken parmesan, yummy!

    4. Focusing on passing for sure, my passing game is not where I'd want it to be right now.

    5. Tough one, I have some bits in my game I need to work at so my guess is in the 3rd round or later.

    6. Back home in Mörrum we have this big creek where people go to fish salmon. Biggest I ever got was 37 inches and 26 lbs.

  3. 10 hours ago, InstantRockstar said:

    Week of 5/20: 


    1. How well do you think your individual performance is going? Do you feel like it's contributing enough to the team? 

    2. Do you think San Diego can hold up being a top three team in the league, or was it a big fluke? 

    3. Do any of the Marlins surprise you based on their performance? If so, who and why? 

    4. Other than the Marlins, rank your top 3 favorite teams and why (nothing crazy, sentence or two)

    5. What could the VHLM do as "improvements" to enhance the members experience while in the minors? 

    6. Why did you choose your player render (if you have one), any meaningful significance? 


    1. I think I've been doing okay, not as good as I hoped for at the start of the season.

    2. No doubt if we keep playing the way we're playing right now.

    3. Don't think I can pick anyone in particular, we're all pitching in to keep this train going and show everyone what we're all about.

    4. I havent been checking out other teams all that much, been too focused on myself and our team. But if I had to pick I'd choose Malmö cause they're from back home and they have a pretty sick looking logo. Other then that I don't really know. The Reapers based off of their logo and they're killing it in the VHLM as well, maybe good luck from their mascot, who knows?
    Third and final would be the Vancouver Wolves, their logo is very clean yet gets the point across.

    5. Not sure, there's plenty to do already I think, in terms of ways to get TPE. Outside from that I don't really know.

    6. I chose Roman Josi because he fits my size and I'm aspiring to become as good as him further on in my career.

  4. PipQki6.jpg


    San Diego, Cali. After a strong start to the season, Pierre has in the recent games seemed to have found himself in a slump. We meet him outside The Marlins training facility for a quik interview.


    After being one of the top defenders in both points and hits, you have now slipped far down the rankings, what do you have to say about that?

    - Say about what? It's just numbers, the only thing I care about is helping my team in getting that W. I have a question for you, we're fourth in the league, how many people thought that before the season started?

    That's great for your team, but what did you feel when Marlins signed with the much stronger and taller defender Lincoln Tate?
    - What I felt? Woooh, awesome another player to help us to win more games. If you're trying to stirr something up, you're doing a very bad job. Who writes these stupid questions, did you write them?

    Do your research. I've never been focusing on my offensive qualities, this isn't the swedish third league where my grandma would be able to rack up points. 



    So you mean you are frustrated with not getting to show your full potential and having another defender fighting with you for play time?

    - Do I look frustrated? We're 4-1 in the last five games, we're fourth in the league as a brand new expansions team. We are crushing it right now, that should be your focus instead of trying to stir something up and try to make the headlines. We're done here.



  5. Dd9IyJT.jpg

    Name: Pierre Eric Persson

    Born: 17 october, 2002

    Hometown: Karlskrona, Sweden

    Youth team: Mörrum Hockey

    Position: Defense





    Naval family


    Born 17th october, 2002 in Karlskrona, the naval capital of Blekinge in southeast Sweden, in a strict military family consisting of his father Stig Persson, a high ranked naval officer, and his mother Heliina Kuus-Persson that his father met when he was doing military service in Estonia. Aswell as his older brother Erik, his older sister Jessica and his younger brother Patrik.

    Growing up he wanted to be just like his father, to travel the world and help people in need. He loved to hear his fathers stories, no matter how bad or even gruesome they sometimes could be. And while it didn't exactly go as he first dreamed of, he still traveled the waters around Karlskrona together with his brother Erik, fishing, swimming or spy on women at one of the several beaches in their town, just like the rest of the boys in their age did.



    Aerial view of his hometown Karlskrona





    School wasn't for Pierre and he always sat in the back, looking dreamy out of the windows. Dreaming that he was the captain of one of the world's largest fishing boats, sailing from country to country, meeting new people and discovering new cultures.

    His daydreaming was not to his teacher's or parents' satisfaction, but he didn't care. In the end, his teacher, in consultation with his parents, put him in a group of students with special needs in an effort to get Pierre not to fall behind in school. 

    He loved the water and he loved ice hockey. So his teacher made it so his homework consisted of writing short stories about his dreams of being the captain of a fishing boat, feeding the weak and poor with their catch. Or about that time he and his crew sailed to the Caribbean and on the way met an entire shoal of mermaids who tried to induce them to come with them down below the surface.

    Aswell as math problems consisting of different ice hockey statistics.
                                                                    If Mario Lemieux played 915 games and scored 690 goals, how many goals did he score on average per game?



    Big guy

    His father was just like Pierre a big fan of ice hockey and took him to the rink to teach him to skate already at the of age 3, and he quickly learned to get around the ice on his own two legs, without his father's help or support. When he was five, he started training in a smaller team for children, but while the other kids chased the puck and tried to be the first to score, Pierre instead stood in front of the goal to try and stop them.

    That's why many thought he would eventually become a goalkeeper, but Pierre wanted to stay out on the ice and help his teammates. He had watched games from the United States that his father had recorded overnight where the defenders with ease had deflected a pass or heroically thrown themselves infront of the puck to stop it from entering the net. He wanted to be just like them.

    When he got older he was far from the biggest guy on their team, quite the opposite, he was the shortest defender on their team and even some of their forwards so he had to depend on his awareness to keep the others from scoring or intercept to start a counterattack. 



    Pierre at the age of 12 in his youth team Mörrum Hockey



    Bully the bully


    Due to his height (58" at the age of 13) Pierre was always an easy target for bullies, that he also played for the rival team of Karlskrona hockey didn't help at all, rather the opposite. He was often called the stinking fish cleaner, not because he smelled, but because Mörrums team logo was portraying a salmon playing ice hockey. Nor did it help that the leader of the bullies, Marcus, was one of the better players on Karlskrona Hockeys youth team, teasing and taunting him whenever he had the chance in school, aswell as every game that they met. 

    After several years of being the shortest boy in school, Pierre suddenly found himself in a grow spurt, growing several inches over the summer break. He decided to finally stand up for himself and not accept being the main target of the bullies anymore. Not only did he grow taller, he also was getting bigger from helping his father cleave firewood and carry them into the shed to prepare for the cold winter, among other things. 


    From then on, no one seemed to dare to pick on the now 5'9" tall boy, only one and that being his main antagonist Marcus. The two always seemed to end up in a fight in school whenever they passed each other in the corridor. Even on the ice they chirped back and forth, trying to make the other one to lose their cool. And Pierre loved it, he was never the person to get any satisfaction in getting other people down, more so the other way around, but this was different. He loved to see the rage build up inside of Marcus, too afraid to do anything due to Marcus now being the one that was several inches smaller. He loved to watch Marcus struggle the further on the games went, mistake after mistake, time and time again.



    Pierre and Marcus fighting at the youth regional finals



    Over the pond


    After years of developing his skills in Mörrums youth academy, even getting a dozen of games in the main roster where he ended up being one of their top defenders, contributing in both offense but most importantly in their defense, using his speed and strength to keep the net safe and his situational awareness and hockey IQ to line up guys much bigger and stronger than he was. 
    His success had made talent scouts get their eyes on the young defender, which he also became aware of during the qualifying matches to the second division in Sweden, where Pierre played as if he was in trans. Nothing seemed to be able to stop him, the hits were perfect, the passes spot on the stick blade no matter how crowded he was. His best game was sadly also the last game that they lost, two goals and three assists wasn't enough as the opposing team ended up scoring six goals against Mörrums five. 

    Despite the loss he was still very much looking forward to the coming season where he then would be having a permanent spot on the team. But one day his agent gave him a call and said that he had been contacted by the London Knights head coach who was very pleased with the way Pierre had been playing in Mörrum and had been seeing alot of potential in the young defender, convincing him that the Knights was the team for him if he ever wanted to live on his great passion. 

    The summer was almost over and he flew over to London, Ontario, Canada, more nervous than the otherwise confident boy had ever been, both from living on his own and so far from his family for the first time in his life, but also how his teammates would recieve him. 

    But little did he know that he by the end of the season would be one of the team's most influential players for most of the season, helping their goalie to shutout five games in a row, and not letting and don't let in more than two goals in the rest of the matches. 





    San Diego Marlins


    When the call finaly game from Rockstar, the GM of San Diego Marlins he didn't hesitate. He knew that he was ready, sure he was nervous, but he was determined to give this all that he got to help this new expansion team in reaching their goals. He loved it in San Diego and it felt like home from the start, he had been well received by his teammates and his coaches, the city was almost identical to his hometown in that the water was like a beautiful painting outside the window of his apartment. 
    He looked down at the crowded streets of San Diego and thought back on his youth days in Mörrum and Karlskrona, he felt like a winner and his journey had just begun...

  6. 1 hour ago, Phil said:

    WEEK OF 05/13 - 05/19


    Questions (Answer 6 to earn your TPE):


    1. How pleased are you with your player's performance to begin this season?
    2. Who on your team has impressed you the most?
    3. How is the Lockeroom Atmosphere? Is there a sense of optimism or defeatism? Is it energized or quiet?
    4. Heading into the next few games, what do the Marlins have to do to ensure victory?
    5. Should @iRockstar be looking to switch up any of the lines? What would the benefits of doing so be?
    6. Ottawa, Philly, and Sask seems to be the clear top three in the league. What will it take for the Marlins to beat these three giants?
    7. Have you looked ahead to the upcoming VHL Entry Draft? If you are a draftee, where do you project yourself going, if not, where do you think your fellow Marlins will go
    8. Let's say you won an instant 20 TPE. Which attributes would you immediate put the 20 towards and why?
    9. Is there anything the team as an organization could be doing differently to either improve your experience or promote your activity?
    10. What do you think of having Marlin as the Marlins mascot?

    1. Pretty pleased so far, took too many penalties at the start of the season.


    3. Full of optimism after a couple of great games.


    4. We have a pretty strong defense already but we need to start working on our offense, we need to take advantage of every chance given.


    5. I dont think so, we just need to work harder and as I said, take each opportunity given.


    6. Work harder than them. We already got away with the W against the Wild, we can do it again.


    8. Skating, passing and checking. Swedish steel runs through my veins, but I need to get better on lining 'em up!


    9. I dont think so, I love it here in San Diego!


    10. No comment! Haha

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