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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. 1. I honestly do not know what the issue is. I think at this point it is just a mental game and we need to break out of it. 2. I’m not sure how the strategies are set but maybe we should play to our strengths and change them to a more offensive style of play. 3. I honestly don’t know. Actually us. I thought we would be good but we at surprisingly average. 4. I don’t wear underwear in the VHL. Need to let the boys hang loose. 5. Without a doubt it’s Dredge. Starts off slow because of his diet but once he changes it around he starts lighting it up. 6. My money would be on Davos.
  2. What’s up Yukon!? I will be posting your press conference for this week as your GM and AGM are a bit busy. This is for week ending Aug 2 2020. 1. What are your thoughts on the Rush’s season so far? Is there anything you would change? 2. What are your opinions on how well your GM and AGM are handling the team? 3. What is more important to you, individual success or team success? Why? 4. If you could be traded to another team right now which VHLM team would you want to be moved to? 5. If you could be anywhere else in the world right now other than where you are, where would that be? 6. Your AGM Zetterberg hosts a team party at MexicanCows farm, which teammate would most likely be caught roping pigs while riding a donkey?
  3. Review: You always find a way to write material that is genuinely interesting to read. The article is structurally sound and your grammar is on point. Not many people use pictures but I like the use of pictures in media spots. Building on your character and showing us different sides of Stansson has been a cool journey to follow and I am excited to read whatever you come up with next. Rating: 9/10
  4. Review: Excellent article. The layout, punctuation and structure of the article is on point. The individual break down shows you did your homework as you have actual stats to back up your claims. The idea of shining light on to players who aren’t usually in the spotlight is a great idea as they are just as important to any roster. Keep up the great work. Rating: 9/10
  5. 1. We weren’t to worried at that time. We were getting shots off and producing chances. We just ran into a hot goalie. 2. Jubis because he probably has lots of suit shopping experience now that he’s also a GM. 3. I honestly don’t know any retired VHL players who would be interested. 4. I like my steaks medium rare but a little more on the rare side and I will take a salad because soup is trash. 5. Is it weird that if I were to have guessed his favourite song that it would have been that one? 6. I’m answering this late but it was to work different combinations until you find something that works. Upgrading our wing also helps.
  6. UNVOTE Mmmflex Vote Jhatty
  7. UNVOTE nyko vote mmmflex
  8. This guy is town traitor!
  9. @osens definitely a bad guy.
  10. Okay guys I have a confession to make. I’m not actually the witch. I’m a wizard.
  11. I voted eagles. Please let that be known
  12. This guy has evil written all over him. I say we all switch our votes and take him out. UNVOTE z16 vote eagles
  13. People also have lives and can’t be glued to this chat all day so a slow vote is a bit of a stretch right now.
  14. To be fair it’s easy for him to have been transported. Sooooo there’s that.
  15. I love it when we can all agree to lynch townies.
  16. Y’all should go read Wikipedia and it shall confirm it for you. Leave the horny police out of this mess
  17. Or maybe we can plan to finish off the town like you’ve planning on doing from the start. Let’s goooooo!
  18. I can confirm that either spartan or Z16 are TT. I won’t tell you which one though.
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