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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. Miami Marauders Press Conference: Week ending Sept 27th 2020 1. Who is our MVP so far this season and why? 2. The GM has made some moves to inject depth throughout the line up. What are your thoughts on these moves? 3. Why do you think players are okay with just earning welfare/practice facility rather than put in the work to make their players elite? 4. What are your thoughts on the Miami LR so far? Get to know ya questions: 5. Lots of new faces on our team I want to know which NHL team is your favourite and why? 6. What country do you live in and what country do you want to visit the most?
  2. Welcome to the league Ash! I am the GM of the Miami Marauders and we are looking for a young Defensemen like your self to round of our squad. You will be playing second pairing minutes including some power play time and penalty kill time. You will a lot of opportunity in Miami to succeed. We are gearing up for a playoff push and are one or two pieces from making that happen. Like most locker rooms in the VHLM Miami’s is no different. It’s one of the most active with lots of players and alumni who will help you navigate through this league as you build your player for success. If Miami sounds like the place you want to be then quote this offer and write “Miami Baby!!” And I will get you into the lineup right away. Good luck no matter where you sign! Ricer13 Miami GM
  3. Welcome the VHL! I am the GM of the Miami Marauders. We are a young team gearing up to make the playoffs and I have a second line winger spot with your name on it. You will play on the power play, penalty kill and every other situation. You will also be joining one of the most active LRs in the league. Transitioning to the VHL will fun and easy. If Miami sounds like the place for you then quote this offer and reply “Miami Baby!!” and we will get you into the lineup ASAP Good luck in the VHL PS. Sausage Party is underrated! Ricer13 Miami GM
  4. I completely agree. It’s terrible to look at
  5. Jacques Lafontaine - G Erik Summers - D @Jeffie43
  6. Welcome to the VHL @Ominous I am the Miami Marauders GM and we would love to sign you to our young squad of players. You would be given tons of minutes including power play time and penalty kill time. You can earn with us and rack up the points at the same time. Also you would be joining one of the best locker rooms in the league with new and veteran players and alumni who will help you learn the ropes in the VHL! If you’d like to join our squad just quote this offer and type “Miami!!” and I will get you into the line up right away! If you have any questions please feel free to DM me! Good luck selecting your new team! Ricer13 Miami GM
  7. Welcome to the VHL @glass Any friend of Lambs is a friend of Miami’s! He had a couple amazing seasons with us and I feel like you could do the same! We are in need of a centre who’s going to earn and play big minutes. You will be playing power play time and penalty kill time as well as a top 6 role 5 on 5. I am sure Lamb has talked about Miami and I can reassure you it’s a fun place to be! Lots of great members who will help learning the VHL ways a piece of cake! If Miami is where you want to be then quote this offer and type “Miami!!” and I will get you into the lineup right away! Good Luck in the VHL! Ricer13 Miami GM
  8. Welcome to the VHL @Lohik G I am the Miami Marauders GM and we would love to sign you to our young squad of players. You would be given tons of minutes including power play time and penalty kill time. You can earn with us and rack up the points at the same time. Also you would be joining one of the best locker rooms in the league with new and veteran players and alumni who will help you learn the ropes in the VHL! If you’d like to join our squad just quote this offer and type “Miami!!” and I will get you into the line up right away! If you have any questions please feel free to DM me! Good luck selecting your new team! Ricer13 Miami GM
  9. D-Roque Davis F-Kris Rice @Jeffie43
  10. Welcome to the VHL @ProfoundBeggar! I am the GM of the Miami Marauders and we are in need of a winger like yourself to slot into our top six. You will be playing tons and getting points while having the advantage of being in a fun an resourceful locker room that’s going to help you learn the ropes! If you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out and I’ll be happy to help! If Miami is a place where you want to start your career just quote this offer and type “Miami!!!” Goodluck Ricer13 Miami GM
  11. @fishy we need an adult! Who’s our group manager?
  12. Oof it doesn’t say. Want to tag team it?
  13. Wow I am first! Sick, let’s hammer this out quick! F - Brock Louth @Jeffie43
  14. Welcome Back! Miami has a 1st line spot with your name on it. We are going to be pushing for playoffs and a returning member like yourself would be a bit boost for us. You’ll get top line minutes, pp1 and pk1. We also have a great LR with many active members who are still involved with the team. I think you would make a great addition to our squad! Just quote and accept and we will get you on the roster right away! Good luck wherever you end up! Ricer13 Miami Marauders GM
  15. Here’s our official offer Victor! There is a starting goalie spot open for you in Miami. We are gearing up to make it into the playoffs and with a tendy like you behind us that is definitely an attainable goal. Hell we may even make some noise in the playoffs! Aside from that Miami is a good LR with lots of active alumni and new players and I think a member of your caliber would be an excellent addition to an already great group of people. If Miami is where you want to be you already know the drill! Quote and accept and we will get you on to the roster. Good luck with wherever you end up! Ricer13 Miami Marauders GM
  16. Hey Dok, We would love to have you join us over in Miami! You would be given top lines minutes, PP1 and PK1. We have plans to make the playoffs and you would fit perfectly in Miami! Good luck wherever you end up my dude! Ricer13 Miami GM
  17. I have already offered Berocka a spot in Miami so I have to respect his decision first but if he decides to go elsewhere Miami would extremely lucky to have you on our roster. You would be our starter and Miami is making moves to gear towards the playoffs. I hope you will wait until Berocka decides but if not good luck wherever you end up Victor!! Ricer13 Miami GM
  18. #MakeCowAnUpdaterBecauseHeWillDoItForFree
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