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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Imagine they're being legit when this call/podcast happens lol
  2. Doesn't want to talk to you NARCS
  3. Disgraceful, give me your cat immediately.
  4. Dunno if anything here screams mismanagement, or anything that's a fireable offense. The results were lacking and there were some inconveniences, sure, but I don't think the management should be removed by any means. I do sympathize with some of the arguments here and share some frustrations with the results and our performance, but those are concerns I take up with Rayz and try to figure it out internally. As long as there is still some communication and willingness to improve, I am satisfied. If that goes away however, I will be very displeased.
  5. You're a sick fuck, playing with me like that. Yeah I try to do one weekly, either to finish my cap with it if I claim 10 job pay, or for other leagues as affiliate tasks.
  6. CONGRATS!!!!! Lil Steez gonna be draft eligible in S200 let's gooooo
  7. Done!
  8. For which sheet? Or both?
  9. Added the actual scoring page with the breakdown of each group's teams and individual player scoring
  10. Ctots Ctalks is pretty elite, idk who told you it wasn't. Stick with it. It's lowercase Beta in Greek, it's used so that those players get filtered out on the portal when displaying player stats in leaderboards and team stats. You can sign free agents in the VHL, but generally you won't find many options there. In recent seasons, FA's completely dry up before the season even starts. It's sort of the punishing nature of competitive leagues, you have to really hope you get it right when building in the offseason. Your E conundrum is.....pretty spot with a lot of thoughts I have as well. We want to tell the VHLE that they're a competitive league and to focus on winning games, but we also recognize that they still have a purpose of continuing to engage and develop users. Due to the league's caps.....they're pretty counterintuitive goals. Developing players well means they're likely to be gone within a season, which ruins the competitive nature. Frankly I think that the insanely cyclical nature of the M would be better suited for the E, where teams can really lean into capped players and trade younger players or draft picks to rebuilders. But yeah, it's odd. I'm not saying "I love you" back.
  11. I won!
  12. VHL.com maybe
  13. nice media spot, great read
  14. Feel better soon buddy. Best of luck in the RotY race as well, it'll be tough!
  15. Just a head's up, reviews can only be completed and claimed on full PT'S worth 6 TPE, not supplemental tasks.
  16. Just to clarify, the intent of a specific cap is not reflective of their presumed performance, but rather to have a more defined range of what TPE-range puts users into the "needs development" category. The added benefit with the lower cap of 200 in the new system is that there's less need for M teams to be selling the farm to be "competitive."
  17. Let's get a move on folks, this group is the furthest behind by a long shot.
  18. Set captains on your roster page in STHS
  19. I only support his championship pursuit, and his alone.
  20. @JardyB10 is skipped, @Dom is up
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