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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Shot total to goal total super does not check out. I do not like this Sam I Am.
  2. Late sim because of stupidly long meeting but getting everything set up right now
  3. I mean technically this one goes to the member not the player and as a member I have 0 so....
  4. As the OP mentions please use the form for it to count.
  5. Please don’t. Do you recognize how absolutely terrible at this I actually am?
  6. Damn I dropped off pretty hard after an early lead. Oh well, I’ll take third in a very competitive group.
  7. Ah, right, Pixlr is web based. I would be surprised if you can install custom fonts in it. The server it’s based on would basically need to have access to said fonts for them to work.
  8. Fonts don’t get put into specific programs, that’s not how fonts work. You download a font file and install it onto your computer, not a specific program. Once it’s installed any program can see jt. This gives an overview of how to do that.
  9. But that’s what I’m saying, that seems to be implying you are trying to open the font file in pixlr. Just instal it on your computer and my program on the machine shouldn’t gain access to it. At least that’s how photoshop and GIMP work.
  10. Program doesn’t matter, or shouldn’t at least. If you install the font on your system (I don’t remember how to do this on windows, it’s been too long) then you’ll see it show up in your applications.
  11. Tired? You didn't even play the whole game
  12. The 17 is PIM.... You alright there @GrittyIsKing09?
  13. I do like to see 6 points in 2 games. Now if we could just not lose every second game that would be great; at least we have home ice advantage I guess. It's a best of 3 now!
  14. Conference Semi-s Day 2 being set up right now
  15. Simbox now contains a GTX 1060 instead of an AMD 5770 for all my graphically intensive simming needs.

    1. Mr_Hatter


      fire elmo GIF

      Give us graphical STHS simulations

  16. There are few lols to be had in the live sim, it’s very boring.
  17. There are very few.
  18. Also big Oofs from Warsaw, especially game 1.
  19. 3 points and we lose, 0 points and we win...I see it's going to be that kind of playoffs.
  20. Setting up the live sim now at the above link.
  21. @Frank is old school man.
  22. Sssshhhhhh
  23. Proper playoffs start tomorrow so get your lines in @JeffD, @Beaviss, @Enorama, @Banackock, @Victor, @.sniffuM, @Jubo07, @diamond_ace
  24. That's a bold take. Wrong; but bold.
  25. Prague finally wins a playoff series! I will almost feel bad about destroying them. Almost.
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