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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Money wise I don’t believe it was much, if any. Just a tiny bit of extra hosting and another domain. Man power was also very limited, basically just Will after my initial mock-up design. Man hours would be the biggie. @Will can attest to how many hours they original portal took him to code but I’m guessing it’s a lot. Mind you he was also self taught so that probably made things take a bit more.
  2. I can’t see Russia being able to write a law that covers any president aside from their own. Putin is just doing that to protect himself.
  3. To be fair at the time they hadn’t called it. Also what would Russian law have anything to do with the US? Or do you mean figuring out some way to enact a version of it himself?
  4. I mean I'd rather it be removed tbh. I was the one who proposed separating GM's from their players and never remotely wanted the auto-claim system in the first place. Certain past GM's (who shall remain nameless) complained until I conceded the auto-pick rule but I've never liked it. Honestly the fairest solution is the simplest one: You want your player then draft him or trade for him like any other player. If you don't have a pick you think will be high enough to do that then trade up, like you would any other player. In any case, this is being discussed with the BOG, has been for a bit now. It won't be implemented for this draft because that's not remotely fair for the GM's that already made their plans around it months ago but hopefully in time for S76.
  5. Funnily enough Trump hasn’t tweeted to bitch yet. Fox hasn’t called it so he probably doesn’t know.
  6. CNN just projected Biden as President! We’re done! It’s over!
  7. Arizona has been a weird one. Some places called it and then took it back, others never called it, others called it and never took it back.
  8. Hi @Josh!
  9. The joys of the forum, it can grow endlessly and it will always be here. We have a topic in the blue forum that’s on page 178.
  10. Can North Carolina and Alaska just jump on board please so that Biden is literally leading in every remaining state? That would be nice. Won’t happen, and doesn’t need to, but would be nice. As much as I have LOVED this topic blowing up so much on the forum I’m ready to be done with this election.
  11. To be fair when you said it he was still down. Only by like .2% but still down.
  12. We have a Biden lead in Georgia! I repeat a Biden lead in Georgia! This is not a drill!
  13. How about 61 goals then?
  14. Sure, I’ll lose again. I’ll also manage again if you want me to.
  15. When @hedgehog337 rebuilds he REALLY rebuilds. I don’t think many of our active people right now were even around the last time Riga wasn’t competitive enough to at least make the playoffs.
  16. Better dead than a Democrat amirite?
  17. Hitting more means PIM’s, nothing can be done about that. I’d argue it’s impressive in itself to spend that much more time in the box and still only be down 4 points.
  18. Boy that is one shallow ballot. Also, 4 points less but more goals + defensive numbers. Just saying
  19. I described the process earlier, would take 2 seconds. I do it like 40 times a day to mask cuts.
  20. Fucking lazy ass editors can’t fix their audio and don’t have dupe detection on. Amateurs.
  21. the really funny thing is, that little “pop” you get from a bad edit takes 2 seconds to fix. A 2 frame centre aligned fade on the audio hides it 99% of the time. Cant even get a decent editor to make their fucking fake news smh
  22. I really love watching Trump whine that voting needs to stop, but naturally only where he’s leading. Go ahead, stop the count, you’ll lose if you do. Biden is up in Arizona and Nevada and that’s all he needs to win it so go ahead and stop counting you orange dumbass, see where it gets you. Or, do the right (read: legal) thing, and count every damn ballot. You’ll still lose but maybe with a minor shred of dignity for the first time in your miserable life.
  23. No one on the Wolves can agree on what team to use for their gifs smh Well done though guys, great series all around.
  24. Game 6!
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