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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Also one of you saying Vancouver is cursed? They won in S67. I’d hardly say 7 seasons is a curse. still, solid from the bit I listened to.
  2. I don’t know people’s voices enough but who predicted Moscow and Helsinki as the final in EU when that’s impossible? If Helsinki wins the wild card they face us in round 2, not the final. If Moscow is in the conference final it’s against either Riga or Malmo
  3. Does it count as a goalie duel when they let in a combined 10 goals on 60 shots and neither goes above .900?
  4. Graves making a super early case for the Kanou
  5. So Helsinki Vs. Moscow I'd say?
  6. https://www.twitch.tv/beketov_vhl Sim 1 going live momentarily
  7. Vic’s answer to that will always be yes.
  8. You can if you want to but it’s not critical until the wildcard round is done.
  9. Seasonal laziness to tag 1 thing instead of 10 and also taunt the losers a bit
  10. INDEX @VHL GM Please get your lines in ASAP; you know the drill as to how by now since the Portal worked great all season for it. First sim will be tomorrow. To the best of my abilities I will be live simming the playoffs and will put up a link each day in this thread to indicate when I'm going live. Of note I'm back working from the office now so to run a live sim from home is less easy than it seems. I'll get it done but there won't be any commentary or anything of the sort since I'm not physically at the machine doing the streaming. Good luck to all teams!
  11. @Mr_Hatter with the final game SO to snipe away the Clegane!
  12. Ideally something that could be automated but I think it looks pretty solid yeah.
  13. It a singular test for a couple of weeks, since when does that qualify as “changes”? The BOG has already started discussing a few things to come out of that announcement, it’s doing it’s job. If this was intended as an actual permanent change we likely would have mentioned it to them but we aren’t going to bring up every small community test we have planned with the BOG, it would just be wasting everyone’s time.
  14. I’m seeing “forced” being thrown around a lot, I want to make it perfectly clear that we aren’t forcing anything. I’m also seeing “game thread activity” being tossed around as if that’s the only important aspect. We aren’t saying “screw your conveniences, I want it my old way!” We’re just seeing what happens to get a better sense of what people like. I’ve said already in here that there is a mindset of “people prefer X over Y” when they have never experienced Y. You can’t get an accurate picture of what anyone actually prefers by only offering them a single option. We’re not just gonna throw the bot under the bus and say “yup, problem solved.” This is is up to page 6 now because it is a discussion on the matter, that’s the point. Many good things have come up from it and there’s a lot for us to look at. Never was it remotely designed as just a 1 stop shop but rather a test to see what kind of opinions and ideas can come forth. Just the fact that I’ve seen and interacted with names in here that I have NEVER seen on discord, purely because of time zone differences, proves that there is a bit of validity. Hell, this comment alone is in part inspired by @GustavMattias’s comment from 8 hours ago. There’s no way that ever would have happened on discord because it has flaws, that’s the message I’m trying to get across. Both sides have their uses and should be used in conjunction more than they have. I also wanted to touch on this quickly because I’m not sure who has started to instil this mindset in new guys but I’ve seen it a few times. The exact OPPOSITE is true. We don’t want to see new guys hiding away and never voicing any opinions. There are definitely going to be times where it happens and we end up explaining that we have tried what you are suggesting before and know it won’t work for reasons X, Y, and Z but that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate he opinion. We need opinions from new guys as much as anyone else, if not more. Anyone can get used to something and start rolling with it. The new guys who are confused by something set the standard, the bar for how accessible the league needs to be and how it can improve. I don’t know if I’ve ever spoken to you before, because of the aforementioned lack of opinions or fragmentation or other otherwise, but I’m glad that I can in here because that’s what the forum is for, the community. This isn’t an attack on discord. It’s a test to see how far one way we have been pushed and see if people can understand the need for balance. Having only the forum wasn’t perfect and is not a solution I would want to bring back because there were a lot of conveniences lacking. I’m the same vein having only discord is not perfect because it simply can’t house things long term the way it needs to and community cannot flourish while being separated.
  15. No one is at all saying your old players sucked, I had a bunch wiped off the list as well. It’s just that we can’t just say “well this guy was here earlier so he gets to have these lower TPE players while you don’t.” Your argument on ease isn’t wrong but to brand new people that argument doesn’t make sense. The difference is 1 TPE and only if you are claiming welfare anyway, it’s not as significant as it may seem right now. Ultimately my hands are tied. Everyone had the follow the same rules and a few others got a bit screwed by it as well. Can’t make an exception for you.
  16. It’s rather unfortunate for you especially when you’re missing it by less than 100 TPE total but unfortunately when the rule was changed we couldn’t grandfather it in or else really we were telling new people they had to do twice the work.
  17. Unfortunately players were not grandfathered in when the rules changed.
  18. That’s only if there’s pre-portal players that meet the criteria, we just need to manually adjust. If his former players don’t meet the criteria he doesn’t get the bonus unfortunately and welfare would be 4.
  19. Would it feel better if all the posts were linked in a single OP?
  20. Quintuple banned then, let’s just get ahead a bit.
  21. Gotcha, I misunderstood. I thought you meant someone would pick the best performers and then people would vote on those to award TPE. You meant a fantasy type deal but instead of just predicting scores it would predict top scorers and such.
  22. Practice Facility used to be that yeah, wound up with a lot of spamming. Two problems with that. First is that the rich kinda get richer since it's based on performance and second that it's uncapped based off a popularity contest
  23. Admittedly, nothing, would need to see what comes of it. Historically when game threads were popular without extra TPE incentives the spam amount was relatively low. People in general are less spammy when the messages don't immediately disappear it seems because consequences are more likely.
  24. So you want to make more work for yourself and limit your players' interaction with the league at the same time? What exactly is the benefit to that? It's an honest question. I can't, and wouldn't try, to force people to use the forum but it is the primary home of the league, always has been. I just on't understand why encouraging people to actually partake in the league as a whole instead of hiding away in a locker room is a bad thing. The VHL has always been about the community and the community doesn't exist if it's scattered.
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