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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. If it’s just a matter of a link to the standings that could be arranged I’m sure very easily since it doesn’t change. It’s really more of the visual part that would be trickier.
  2. But you’d have to make sure that you repeat the same information on a loop for about 6 hours each time.
  3. FWIW we aren’t sure if adding the rest of the stuff @Mr_Hatter wants is possible but we could VERY EASILY have all the games post to one thread instead of individual ones. We’re considering trying that for the RS next season, though playoffs would still get individual game threads. Then it’s a one stop shop for all the games without a bunch of extra scrolling and everyone can discuss together.
  4. Sucks to lose, especially when we are cooling off at the complete worst time possible, but this did get me to 300 hits so that’s nice.
  5. I’ll never complain about 3 points but apparently I forgot that I usually score instead of assisting on the plus side, 120 point season!
  6. That awkward moment when you have the victory cup secured and you get shutout by London...
  7. !tempmute @Dil 5m speaking craziness Oh right, I need to actually put some effort in here.
  8. Honestly I want to try and find incentives for things that aren’t just “have some TPE for it.”
  9. It’s been mentioned and it’s been done before. Every time we do anything of the sort it ends up just being spam. At least personally I’d take silence over spam.
  10. I’d definitely think if the score is in the title everyone will complain about spoilers. The rest is not completely unreasonable in theory but I would need the dev team to comment on the feasibility of it because I don’t know how it all works. The game poster is much more simple than what you are asking because it just takes the game numbers we indicate and turns them into links. I’m not sure how much searching through the page it can do to generate more information.
  11. Maybe they’ll at least talk about their own games. I do think his idea is interesting though, bring everything together a bit and showcase things more as a whole as well as having individual ones. A bit of a way of showcasing games on a larger scale so that people may be interested in seeing other games since they are presented in a way that might make it clearer which ones are interesting. For example, obviously no one is going to really care to look at a game where a team that’s expected to win does so 3-1 or something but what about a game that goes to OT with an expansion team winning or something? ThTa got more excitement to it and could be more interesting to look at. Having them showcased in some manner so people can click through easier might be good.
  12. GM’s would have access to editing every member of the site if we had them in charge of it so that’s out. The admin team is frankly busy enough that adding that to the list would get missed. As I’ve said above the notification is not hard. The bot can easily say “game are posted” and link to the games forum. Why must notifications exist to the individual threads themselves? I guess that’s where my confusion lies. There’s ~15 games posted per day. Is it that difficult to skim through them and see which ones pertain to you? When doing so you may even see one that sounds interesting for another team and click on it. The whole idea is to actually interact with more than the bare minimum. I get that some people just want to see their games as quickly as possible and move on but my concern is that’s all ANYONE is doing not because three necessarily prefer it but because it’s all they know. I’m not expecting universal love here, just trying something out.
  13. We’ll see. I think you are vastly over judging how long it takes. We’re talking about a couple of extra clicks at most. Realistically it’s 1 test in the playoffs. Like I said, if it fails miserably then so be it. Also this isn’t about activity. I’m not saying Activity on discord doesn’t count as an active league, it most certainly does. I just think our activity has been pushed so far that direction that it has created smaller fragmented groups instead of a community.
  14. And maybe it will but we (well maybe not @chatfan036) want baby seps, not a giant leap. Discord is a useful tool but it cannot be the only thing the league exists on.
  15. We can easily have it link to the games forum since that only changed once per season but we can't have it send individual game links.
  16. 1. Personally I've never liked sim attendance as a PT. There are things IMO that should not need TPE attached to them and posting in games is one of those. Any time we have done a variation on it we've just seem spam increase. 2. "The most popular" is potentially a bit of a stretch which is what I'm curious to see. People liking what they know does not automatically mean it's the best option. If this turns into a complete shit show I'll eat my words and we can turn it back on but I want to give it a legitimate attempt before just saying "people like what they know so we shouldn't do anything else"
  17. Thought you might like that
  18. I’m perfectly fine if @Josh wants to have the bot notification still go out and say that games are live and post that link or just the link to the S74 games section when they are posted, that’s fine. Just want to try and see if a bit more discussion can happen outside of the private locker rooms. Let’s get people out of their bubbles a bit.
  19. The main issue with this is a lot of manual updating. Every time any roster change happens for one of the league’s 28 teams (because VHLM would need to be considered as well) we would need to take that user and move them to a different group. It’s a lot of manual updating of accounts, especially in the M where rosters shift around so constantly.
  20. It also doesn’t mean you are wrong, that’s why we want to try. Discord has inevitably helped the league in many ways but it’s gotten sizeable to the point that we have assumed a general preference from people who perhaps know nothing else. You can’t for sure say “people prefer X over Y” if people don’t know Y exists. We’ll try it for the playoffs and see how things feel. If it’s horrible then the bit gets turned back on in a single click.
  21. Fragmentation = Separation Basically when everything exists on the forum content sticks around, visible unless we hide or delete the post / topic. This means if someone posts at 2am I can come on at 7am and still see and interact with that content even if I wasn't around when it went live. With discord the content gets buried so quickly that you don't see that content from 2am, you just see newer content. Thus I would have no chance of interacting with that person who perhaps lives in a very different time zone from me, because I'm simply awake at different ours. Thus the community is separated into smaller little chunks of people who happen to be online at the same time.
  22. Officially the best @Phil name ever
  23. I’m not asking for people to love it, I’m asking for people to give it a chance. If it fails miserably I’ll accept that.
  24. Not possible unfortunately. The bot would have no way of being able to generate the links to the forum because of how forum post numbers, and links, are generated. At least that's how I understand it from what @Josh has stated.
  25. Hello Everyone, Couple of really small notes today just to get them out of the way before playoffs start which should be within the week! First up, as you like likely noticed I didn't use the members tag at the top there. The reason for this is pretty simple: it's busted. Most people have likely noticed this already but best to make a point of it. Group mentions do still work, just not the members tag specifically. We're pretty sure the group is just too large. The dev is working on it right now to add a queue for larger tags so that they can function again but for now it doesn't work. Shouldn't really affect anything but if we do have announcements to make we won't be able to tag everyone so make sure to keep an eye on the top of the forum where announcements will still show up. To make it a bit easer as well we have made an announcements channel on discord which will be used to link to any announcements we make. @Joshis planning to automate this in the future but for now we'll just do it manually. Speaking of discord, that leads me to point number two. Pardon the grumpy old man in me bit discord has created a bit of an issue with the community; namely that it has fragmented it. Having no lasting conversations means the community is often split up so you really only see the people who are online at the same time as you. This has it's uses for some things but is problematic for others. For that reason I'm killing discord effective immediately! Obviously that's not actually true but some of the staff are concerned about this fragmentation, especially as it relates to game threads which have seen a distinct decrease in activity as of the last few seasons. I'm sure many of you have noticed as I know several of you have commented on it, though ironically not on the game threads. Part of this issue, we believe, has been the discord bot. While useful in many ways the discord bot posting game links directly in each team's locker room has, we believe, caused even further fragmentation. Why come out of your locker room, let alone come to the forum as a whole, when you can see everything you need while hiding away in the locker room? For that reason we have decided, as a trial run, to disable the game posting bot during the playoffs this season. Simmers will still mention when games get simmed (and being playoffs these sims will be live for some extra content) and people can come check them, and hopefully have some actual discussion, but the links will not be sent directly to locker rooms. This is a trial run, if members as a whole dislike it then it's easy to turn back on. On the whole, while we appreciate discord's usefulness, the entire league cannot run from discord and the community aspect is potentially weakened by it. We are not asking for universal acceptance, we just wish to try and see if people enjoy it. Hopefully the pitchforks aren't raised too high and you can all enjoy your day. Sincerely, @Commissioner, @Admin
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