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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. This sounds like the best podcast
  2. Let's keep the finals rolling shall we!
  3. So did you send him one without the reigns that he just never showed the rest of us?
  4. Time for some cup finals! Vancouver vs. Helsinki, live stream starting soon.
  5. Beketov


    It doesn't really. It was just that you were the only on that understood the site really and it blew up very shortly after you disappeared so I think people just jumped to the conclusion that the two were related when they completely weren't. TBH I don't think your reputation is as tarnished here as you think it is. Even if it were so few of our current active members were even around to know about it.
  6. It will, which means either way I need to make a new cup banner template. *sigh*
  7. Beketov


    The DDOS. First site we lost because Invisionfree apparently had a cap on how many posts a forum could have, which they didn’t advertise but we hit, so our old posts were being deleted. Second site we lost because someone DDOSed us, or at least that’s what it looked like to our host, so we were cut off.
  8. Beketov


    Sterling lurks, mostly just to supply us with donation money when we need access to it. Knight (at least that Knight) and Jardy are gone. You’d be surprised how much past shit we’ll overlook haha. Yup, he is. There aren’t many of us old guard left but @Kendrick still is. Morbid curiosity because we’ve never really gotten to the bottom of it so blame got thrown on you potentially unfairly. Did you actually bring down the second site or just left us without anyone really understanding how it worked? I’m not gonna be upset if it was you, we’ve long moved on, just genuinely curious if we can get some closure on that weirdness.
  9. We wrote you and Motza months ago and you both completely ghosted us....
  10. About time!
  11. Some of you may remember awhile ago @Motzaburger (where are you bud?) and @Da_Berr collaborated on a new logo for the Calgary Wranglers. Some of you may also remember that Bushito, the GM of Calgary at the time, didn't care for it. Well Bush is gone now and @Jubis happens to be quite fond of getting rid of what I have deemed the derp horse. So, even though you have mostly all seen it before, I present to you the new and improved Calgary Wranglers logo! Keeping the colour scheme and the overall theme of the wranglers logo, important for such a historical team, this new logo encompasses the best parts of the Wranglers while removing the slightly, shall we say, Family Guy esk nature of the old logo. The wranglers shall be sporting this new look starting in S75.
  12. Congrats Vancouver. Crazy hard fought series by Toronto but that game 7 shot total was just too much
  13. We're going live with game 7 in just a minute.
  14. Vancouver takes the goalie battle and forces game 7! Great series we have going here.
  15. Early sim surprise! Here's what I'm thinking, if Vancouver wins and forces game 7 then I'll sim that later tonight but doing it early will give the guys time to adjust for game 7 if it's needed. If Toronto wins then no harm, no foul, we move onto the finals tomorrow. Going live soon.
  16. Say it again for the people on the back!
  17. Let's keep it rolling boys! Going live momentarily.
  18. Well the first three were against Prague so do those really count :P
  19. SIMS! Day 8? I think? Stream Incoming
  20. The prodigal toast returns!
  21. A reminder to @BOG if you haven’t gone to discuss awards yet you should make sure to do that before the vote goes up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustav


      Dammit I forgot about the autocorrect thing again and now I look conceited 

    3. Beketov


      Still the best part of my blue tenure haha

    4. fonziGG
  22. Next Round boys! Going live shortly
  23. I don’t know tbh. I assumed you must have been accidentally assigned that group but you weren’t listed under it, unless someone fixed it in the last hour. I wound up moving you to another group and then back to updaters to see if that fixes it.
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