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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. 1. They dont mean much but its something to do 2. I am at the moment since why not 3. A whole lot of nothing. Just waiting for the season to start again 4. Same as I have been for the season. Just stay consistent 5. I cant remember tbh since it was a while ago 6. I have but they fell off after a few seasons. Too much effort for them
  2. The season is officially over with all league playoffs concluding. Now we are back down to 2 leagues and I'm sticking around in the M for at least one more season but it could be two. My VHL draft date is approaching soon but not soon enough. I am neck deep in that draft hype and it feels like the draft is actually forever away. To pass the time I am competing in the juniors showcase and it's been going alright. I think the team is better than what our record shows. We just lack offense mostly. Our goal tending and our defense have been excellent. Losing game 1-0 or 2-1 really hurts. Other than waiting for the draft and playing in the showcase not much else is going on. I guess I'm waiting for some draft rankings to be released. I expect myself to be near the 10 range but I could see myself being lower if G is a needed spot at the moment. 166 Words
  3. 1. pretty excited. I wasn't really wanting to go there anyway 2. I'm happy about it. Ready for the M to get more competitive 3. The gap between the top and bottom teams should be even bigger and one player can make a difference 4. Was never a fan of 3 leagues and the middle one felt like it was just there because 5. No real negatives from me I think its a good thing 6. I played in it for a single season and it was a while ago so I have no memory of it.
  4. The season ended pretty suddenly. We were playing very well for the majority of the season. If we exclude the very slow start we got off too wed of being near the top of the standings. We ended up getting absolutely dismantled in the first round of the playoffs getting swept. I played pretty meh but we only managed three goals in four playoff games which isn't good enough. If we were to win the series we essentially needed shutouts in every game which is not humanly possible. With the VHLE being banished to the shadow realm I get to stay down in the M for another season and I believe we'll be getting a couple of E players that are going to drop back down to the team. The overall competition in the M next season is going to be at a new level. The difference between the low tpe and high tpe players is going to be massive so just slotting in bodies won't do anymore. 168 Words
  5. 1. Our slow start then going on an absolute heater was neat 2. Starting off hot instead of mid 3. I've been very happy with my earnings. 10/10 4. I don't think I would change anything. I am very happy with my player 5. I do not but I've probably heard it before 6. Now that I know ill be here for another season I expect a cup
  6. THe E was abolished. I don't really have much to say about it since I believe I've only played a single season in it anyway and was only going to play a single season in it this time around too. I wasn't really excited or disappointed about playing there and same feelings for it being removed. The biggest change is my career path now so I am going to be in the M for at least another season which does excite me. It happened at a pretty good time for me as well so I can get closer to that cap again and the talent disparity is going to be larger so more stat padding for me right? Overall I think this is a good change. Having a third league that was just kinda there and people either skipped or played one season in felt awkward to me. I wont miss the E but I know some will. RIP VHLE 160 Words
  7. 1. I think well be stuck in fourth cant really go up and we can defend from fifth 2. I think we do. I expect atelast one to fall into our lap 3. get at least one shutout per series 4. I think ill get 9 at the end 5. I wont be around so I haven't really been looking into it 6. Yes I think we can pull it off
  8. The season has been chugging along nicely. Getting near the end of it and it's pretty clear we are going to make the playoffs with zero issues. Started the season pretty slow then somehow had a fire lit under us and played out of our minds. We have collectively cooled off a bit slipping down into fourth place overall after being in a tight race for holding second place for quite some time but if we can hold our current spot I'd be happy. I've also played pretty well. I expect a bit more from myself but I can only do so well before you get into alien territory. Maybe well get hot again after the wave of new players come in and select Mexico City as their waiver spot. We could definitely use some more skaters to fill out our depth a bit since we're very top heavy at the moment and could use a small boost. 158 Words
  9. 1. Its hard to really say since I usually take breaks between players and I forget a lot but I always remember draft day as something I look forward too 2. I don't have any bad experiences really maybe the only negative I have about the vhl is how demanding the pt is 3. Itll either be a goalie again or a Center since I've never had a forward 4. My overall well roundedness 5. Im not good at one particular thing 6. public indecency while being highly intoxicated
  10. 1. We got that magic juice thats 100% legal 2. I've been playing significantly better in net. Gained a ton in SV% 3. I'm capped out right now but I've been focusing on being well rounded 4. Never had it but wouldn't say no to trying it 5. They can be good but sometimes people go a bit excessive for the moment 6. Relaxation and staying as together as possible
  11. 1. If my memory is correct it was the first team I ever played for in sim leagues 2. Fitz's Root Beer 3. Probably LVA since its a team I've played for in the past as well 4. Relaxing by himself and chewing unusual amounts of gum 5. Composite...Who usues wood anymore. Old fashioned 6. Pretty peak I would declare
  12. A good amount of games have been played this far in the brand new season to get an idea of how the team and myself are going to perform. As of right now, the team seems to be a pretty middle of the pack point earner but we have been on what I would call a warm streak. Can't quite call it a hot streak yet since we aren't winning nearly all the games but we surely aren't losing all the games either. We should be pretty safe locks for the playoffs. As far as myself I am slightly disappointed with my own performance. Having a sub .900 SV% is not ideal and it absolutely must change if I want to help the team into a better seeding. With that said I have been playing much better recently and the stats are on the rise so maybe by this time next week ill be back to where I want to be but well have to pray to the sim gods for that one. 173 Words
  13. 1. Weve got a pretty solid defense in front of a solid goalie so keeping the other teams goal counts low should be a breeze 2. Our offense is pretty top heavy so our scoring depth could cause issues 3. My player is an all around player so no strength or weakness 4. Same answer as question three basically 5. MIS and LVA are going to be pretty good both have very filled out rosters with depth 6. SDM are going to struggle a lot. Using a lot of bots is going to kill any game momentum you may gain
  14. I've finally been drafted! The wait was very long and difficult but it has been worth it. I ended up going to Mexico City at the end of the first round. As I am the only goalie for the team I can say I'm one hundred percent going to be the starter this season. The only unfortunate thing is that I will be hitting the minors cap soon, so I'll have to go up to the E after this season. I'll only have one shot at a cup here in the M. My goals are to obviously win a cup, win goalie of the year, and have some of the most alien type stats that have ever blessed this league. Will that last part happen? Most decently not but it's good to shoot high am I right? Im grateful for the opportunity to play for Mexico City and id like to thank my former team for accepting me off waivers as well. Good luck to everyone! 166 Words
  15. Its nearing time for the VHLM draft and the wait is absolutely killing me. I'm really hoping I can go in the first round at the bare minimum and anything better than last in the first round is a bonus. I've also been participating in the junior showcase tourney. I play for the Brigade and we had a very good regular season finishing second place overall. We got a bye for the first round of the playoffs and ended up playing the Warriors in the second round. After splitting the start we won the series 4-1 and are now in the finals against the Rush. My stats in the second round were amazing and I even had two shutouts in five games but this championship matchup has been much harder. The rush finished first overall and it wasn't even all that close so they are a better team all around us. It will be very difficult to come back in the series after being down 2-0 to start. 168 Words
  16. The game plan or goal this upcoming season isn't necessarily too focused on personal success. I'm looking to get myself in a position where I can compete for a cup this season once I'm drafted to a team in the M. Now if I were to have an elite level season myself that would surely help the team out in more many ways so the goals for my personal stats are the following. I expect a .905 or better save percentage. and at least 5 shutouts. The other goalie stats aren't really goalie stats in my eyes like wins and losses as well as goals against average. Those are simply team stats with a tiny amount of them being affected by my own performance. But if the team plays well if I play well all those stats regardless of if I can influence them a whole lot should be in elite condition. Who knows maybe I can sneak in a personal award as well as a cup! 167 Words
  17. Its free real estate happy bday. Almost a legal adult
  18. Claim week ending 7/21
  19. The first season is in the books for my new career. I ended up joining up with the Mississauga Hounds near the end of the season, I wasn't instantly the starter but it took only a few days before I was given the full time starter role in the net. Our forward lines were pretty filled out with decent to good players so our scoring was usually fairly decent. The only issue was our defense was being propped up by a single player and when that happened the other team was getting some juicy juicy goal scoring opportunities. When we would play good teams I would get pounded by shots and let in a few goals as a result but we still found ways to keep the games close. I'm overall pretty happy with my team selection and we did well enough to call it a success. Near the end of the season, we went on a hot streak. Was my joining of the team a part of that hot streak? I would like to think I helped in making that hot streak possible. Since the standings were already pretty much dead set for where we would finish even that hot streak didn't change the seeding one but for us. We could've actually gone on a freezing ice cold streak and still stayed in the same spot so that streak was mostly a confidence booster heading into the playoffs. To end the season I had a total of ten games played, six wins, two losses, and two overtime losses. My save percentage was what I would classify as hot garbage at a grand .893 save percentage. With that save percentage, I'm shocked we won more games than lost but I guess our offense carried that hard. I let in an average of three goals per game and had a pretty neat shutout tucked in there in the little amount I was able to play. We entered the playoffs as the seventh seed and were set to play the Saskatoon Wild. Their team was actually better in every single area of the game compared to us. We were fighting an uphill battle the entire time with no help from anywhere. We opened the series with a two to one win. We managed to win it in overtime on an Ozzy Batty goal to put us up one to zero in the round. I faced thirty three shots and saved thirty two of them for an elite .970 save percentage and also won the first star of the game! We lost game two four to five in overtime. I faced an amazing fifty five shots this game saving fifty of them. Even though I let in five goals I still say I had a decent game but could've been better and stole a win. We sadly lost games three and four as well losing seven to six and two to one. We lost game three in overtime just like game two and it was probably my worst performance of the series while I played a pretty great game in game four but the offense couldn't get over the hump to get the win. Now we were down three games to one in the series and were facing elimination. The first three games of the series went to overtime and were all won or lost by a nose hair and even game four was only lost by a single goal. We've been pretty unlucky thus far in losing three out of four one goal games but if we could keep that up we had a chance of coming back. We ended up playing our worst game of the series as a team and lost four to one :). Getting bounced out of the playoffs is always a down feeling. Especially after losing that many games by a single goal and a couple going into overtime. We were so close to stealing the series away if a couple of things went our way. My personal performance in the playoffs was actually better than my performance in the regular season even while playing better competition. I ended the Playoffs with one win, two losses, and two overtime losses. I have a save percentage that was over nine hundred this time at .901. My goals against average was 3.63 and I had zero shutouts. Now that my time has concluded here in Mississauga it is time to be released and sent into the pool of draftees for the upcoming VHLM draft. I honestly do not mind a whole lot about who ends up taking me in the draft. Coming back to Mississauga would be nice but probably not realistic. I do not anticipate myself being a top five draft pick but maybe a very end of the round first or early second round pick simply because my tpe totals aren't high enough yet since I just created a few weeks ago. Me being a goalie might help my draft ranking a small amount since there are only so many great goalies you can get but with the low tpe cap for the VHLM having a mid goalie isn't nearly as hurtful to the team as it would be in the VHL. The only thing I'm really looking for in a team is one that will start me on day one and have me play nearly all the games. I understand sometimes you gotta rotate some days so I don't mind not playing one hundred percent of the games. I'm also wanting a team with a semi active locker room or more so I can pop in and have some short conversations on occasion. And lastly, i'd like a team that is going for a cup. They don't need to be a top contender necessarily but if hate to be added to a team that is struggling to make the playoffs or is on a downward spiral. If I were taken to a team like that I wouldn't really complain all that much since I'll probably only be down in the VHLM for one more season since that pesky tpe cap will kick me up to the E pretty quickly. 1032 Words Claiming for Weeks ending 7/14 & 7/21
  20. 1. We are very hot at the moment. We should be able to win the series with how we've been playing. 2. Not really too sure. Since I'm joining late I don't really know the team fully yet 3. We will win the first round and maybe the second but winning it all will be near impossible 4. Only been here for a week and it's been good 5. Get drafted and win a cup next season while being the top goalie 6. Cookie dough is elite. Cones are great but just a nice bowl of ice cream is the easiest and most convenient
  21. The magnificent, awe-inspiring, alfa male Chazz Micheal Micheals blessed this world with his birth in the sacred year of 1996. The same year that history began. He was an only child to a family that was quite poor and had their normal family issues. He grew up quite a troubled child by participating in some questionable business with semblances of legality but a life he enjoyed. In his early teens, he found an abandoned pair of skates that just so happened to fit him perfectly. Eventually, he learned how to skate on his own with no teachers in sight. Just skating wasn't quite enough for him though and took to the local frozen ponds where he discovered other kids playing hockey. Like most young hockey players he was dead set on scoring goals and being the best that has ever lived. He sliced and diced through the other team's defenders like they didn't exist and slapped pucks past the goalies. Over time he found being a forward and scoring goals too easy. Chaz wanted a challenge and stuck himself in the net. He didn't have any goalie gear but that didn't stop him from putting his body on the line to stop those pesky skaters from beating him. On occasion, after he stopped a puck he would skate all the way down the ice and score himself if his team wasn't getting the job done. He was just that good at scoring. You may ask why not just stick to being a goal scoring god and play forward? In his mind being a forward was boring and way too easy. Sort of a self nurf some would say. He is the goat after all if he did too good people would get suspicious and realize he was a deity. After his middle school life came to an end he was thrust into high school as the hottest goalie on planet earth. Everyone knew his name. People were building shrines for him in hopes of summoning him to play for their team. Even the pro VHL teams had their fan bases having mass gatherings to show their love for their future Hall of Fame goalie. Chazz was the starter in his freshman year of high school at his small school in his hometown. The school had never even won a single game in their existence but once Chazz appeared they went undefeated. They often won games 1-0 and only went to a shootout one single time. That single time was simply because his team didn't score of course. This trend of domination, racking up the shutouts, and yes even scoring some of his own goals made him known worldwide as the best that will ever grace the world of hockey. Knowing how elite he was he had the easy road to go pro. But just like how he switched from a forward to a goalie he decided to go to college instead. His reason you ask? "Going pro now would be boring. I want to go to college and find me some women" - Chazz Micheal Micheals. As you can see he has quite a colorful personality. College went just about as you would expect. He continued his domination in the net from his high school days. Shutout after shutout. Some more goalie goals sprinkled in there. He even got into brawling with other goalies or even skaters. Most of the extracurriculars he did on the ice were simply for his own enjoyment. Causing chaos and getting on the other team's hit list was his priority. His teammates loved him for this but also with how much he carried their team. Also just like high school, he managed to drag the team over the finish line in every single tournament, trophy, and scrimmage. Before Chaz even had the chance to join a pro hockey team he had to expand his trophy room. As a non hockey related occurrence in Chazzs life. He got married in his last couple months of college and is expecting his first child sometime around the draft. Now that the Chazz Micheal Micheals college experience has concluded he has started to prepare for the draft. It's not really an industry secret where he will be drafted at but it's just a matter of which team will be at the slot he is going to go. Everyone is asking for draft interviews. The media is asking for their own interviews. He is being invited onto talk shows and in the newest pro hockey game that's coming out he is going to be on the cover. While he's on the cover he'll also be the highest rated player in the game since he's just that elite and miles better than everyone else. Every fan base is holding their breath in hopes that they will end up landing this once in a earth time player Chazz Micheal Micheals. 817 Words
  22. 1. The team is stronger now than it was for sure. With where we are I don't see us even coming close to missing the playoffs so I don't think a push is even needed. 2. We're pretty much stuck in the seventh seed. It would take a miracle to gain or lose a spot. Just winning as much as we can and carrying that momentum is enough. 3. Just getting myself to the bare minimum all around. Once I get where I want to be I can specialize. 4. It's pretty simple. TPE earning rates and if they can be reliable to keep earning after the draft. 5. Maybe introducing a bot that asks a pretty simple question each day. Would get a conversation going and would be easy to respond to. 6. #22, There's no real significance other than that's the number I've been using for so many years at this points its basically mine now
  23. Now that I'm creating my third player I thought it would be a good idea to recap my previous two players' experiences as well as my personal experiences. I'll be going in order of player and seasons and it won't be a highly detailed in depth sort of thing since some of these events happened four years ago at this point. Remembering events even last week is a struggle so four years is impossible. Right before I start I should mention I technically have three players and this will be my fourth but when I first started I made two players by accident and retired one straight away. I had a smooth brain moment to say the least. (G) Markus Emerson Jr: VHLM: I joined the league at the very tail end of S72 with the San Diego Marlins. I joined so late in fact I never got to start a game before the season ended and was promptly released for the draft. Once the draft came around I was drafted 73rd Overall by the Las Vegas Aces. I was a bit bummed about being drafted late but I could understand why since I was a fresh create who had never been in a sim league before. After the draft hype was completed and I found myself on the Aces roster I was instantly notified I was traded. Talk about a whirlwind of emotions. I was traded to Mexico City for a 7th round pick in the S75 draft. To say my value was pretty low is an understatement. Now that I have bounced to three teams in the span of a week or two I finally settled in and was ready to get the grind started. In my first season, I spent as a backup and didn't play very many games. The games I did play were horrific and I don't want to spread that evil on this site. My next two seasons were pretty good. S74 & S75 were both winning seasons with a plus .900 SV%. My S75 was so good in fact I won the Benoit Devereux Trophy. This would be my first and only personal award but it was a real confidence booster. We ended up making the finals but lost in game 6. It was probably rigged but what do I know. My time in Mexico was elite and maybe I'm looking back on it more fondly than it was but I still think my time there is the reason I'm still in sim leagues to this day. VHL: S76 saw my callup to the big boy table with Vancouver who drafted me 57th overall. Over my career there I had 128 wins, 75 losses, and 20 overtime losses with a .918 SV%. Looking back at this career while it was probably a bit shorter than it should have been I am very happy with my performance. I can't remember too many specifics from this time since near the end I ended up getting burnt out and I think I just blocked all that stuff out of my memory banks. I do remember having a younger goal tender partner who was a monster at TPE earning. They kept me in check for most of my career and when I started regressing I decided to retire so they could be the starter. That's why my career was a bit shorter than it probably should've been but I don't regret it. I'd love to say more about my time in Vancouver but I just simply can't remember it well enough. (D) Jimmy MacElroy VHLM/VHLE: Going into this player I was pretty dead set on not max earning and grinding it out as hard as I did with my last player. At this point, I was very deep into the PBE meaning I could use some of their tasks to affiliate with VHL so it'll be a bit easier to earn without as much effort. The plan was to do welfare, practice, trivia sometimes, pressers sometimes, and my PBE affiliate. I stuck to this pretty well during my entire career at least so I was satisfied there. For the VHLM I was initially signed by Miami but only played one game until I was drafted by Las Vegas 24th overall. Spent a total of two seasons in Las Vegas and did very well. I won back to back Founders Cups with Las Vegas and in my final season with them, I also won the Vladimir Boomchenko Trophy with 74 assists. This was the most successful and fun time I've ever had to this point in the VHL so I was riding a pretty big high. The VHLE was secondary for me. I purposely stuck below the TPE cap for VHLM to stay down an extra season so I ended up playing in the E for a single season. I played pretty well and we made the playoffs but ended up being round one elimination victims. Once again it was probably rigged. VHL: I spent a significantly larger amount of time in the VHL proper this time around after being drafted 22nd Overall by Vancouver. I managed to win a Continental Cup and a Victory Cup with them in my first couple of seasons with them. At this point, I was bringing in team hardware like it was candy. I only spent three seasons with Vancouver before I was traded out to Toronto. If I recall correctly we were a rebuilding team at the time of my trade. My time in Toronto was slightly worse as far as my personal performance goes than it was in Vancouver but it was pretty fun being a part of a build up to a top level team. Near the end of my time in Toronto, we ended up winning the Continental Cup! Winning it that time around near the end of my career after all the buildup after the trade was quite satisfying. I played a total of seven seasons in the VHL this time around getting 43 Goals, 298 Assists, 341 Points, 40+/-, and 1046 blocked shots. I achieved what I wanted to with this player and even outdid my expectations. I won four cups total over my career and a single personal trophy. Even though I earned less TPE this time around I found the experience more satisfying than my first. Was it because of all the cups and winning...Probably. After looking back I am hoping I can replicate the success as far as team success with this new player I had with Jimmy. As a goalie, I find my personal success greatly corresponds with team performance so I plan on being an absolute unit this time around. Even more so than I was with my first goalie. I want to earn as much as possible this time too and be a player everyone wants to have on their roster. I want to be a literal game changer who can steal games or even entire series away with my individual play. 1173 Words Claiming for weeks ending 6/30 & 7/7
  24. I have made my triumphant return to the VHL after a short break. This will be my third player with my first one being a goalie Markus Emerson Jr. and my second player being a defenseman Jimmy MacElroy. I am back to the goalie position for this third player since I found it the most enjoyable and have little interest in being a goal scorer. Being a goalie feels more important and high-pressure to perform than a skater. My last two players had quite a lot of success as far as team and personal achievements go and I expect similar results from this player as well. A few things have changed since my last player but it's still mostly the same. The biggest thing I've noticed thus far is that I can actually choose my VHLM team straight off the bat which I find interesting and quite a great idea. I give brownie points to whoever thought that one up. Now that I have returned I am aiming to be a higher earner than I was with my second player and maybe my first player too but we'll see if I can keep it up over the long haul.
  25. Player Information Username: Xflexz Player Name: Chazz Michael Michaels Recruited From: Returning Age: 26 Position: G Height: 74 in. Weight: 185 lbs. Birthplace: Moldova Player Page @VHLM GM
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