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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. What can I say other than I’m the greatest to ever play
  2. 1. Playing my mind off and having career year 2. Every cup is won with a good goalie with huge saves so has to go to the greatest goalie 3. If I was staying id say yes but since im going to the E idk now 4. He won back to back cups so I think hes happy with how it turned out and anything I have to say would just be show me the rings 5. Because hes the best bot in the league???? 6. Yes since hes a traitor
  3. We are currently up two games to zero in the cup finals for the VHLM! If we manage to win this I will have back to back cups with Las Vegas. Next season Ill be going up to Istanbul and hopefully can help them win a cup as well to keep my one man dynasty going. My season totals were incredible and I should win an award or two for my performance. When it comes down to it and if I don't win any awards it'll be okay as long as we win the cup as well. That's what really matters to me at this moment. My playoff performance thus far has been I would say okay. Probably just above average but it should be enough. It was fun to play with Vegas and making the decision to play here for another season was the right one. Not only for the second possible cup but being with the same teammates as well.
  4. 1. The sim clearly has some different way of simming in the playoffs 2. I was in it last season and it was a nice experience 3. Not much. Its been overly hot and ive been working all summer 4. I best be getting best dman or we all riot 5. idk I dont think id add one more of make the PT maybe 5 tpe and 300 words. 500 is just too many for me to not burn out on 6. What season did vegas have the second most points in
  5. This season has been one to remember. The team has in fact won the regular season championship! I played even better than last season and last season I still thought was an overachievement. My mentality coming into my career was to block shots and keep the other team out of the defensive zone. I have done this very well but a side effect I really didn't think about was if we aren't in our defensive zone and I'm excellent at keeping the puck away from the other team I would rack up points like its candy. I never in a million years would have guessed I would have eighty seven points in a single season. I ended up I believe second place in defensive player scoring by only three points so I was so dang close to having the most points by accident. I hope that I can win some awards this season to cap off my time in the VHLM.
  6. 1. OFC WE DO!!! 2. I think this seasons playoffs will go even more smoothly than last since we are overall a better team all around 3. Since itll be a coin flip anyways I will say Larry 4. Nah hes gonna be siting high a mighty at the awards show 5. As long as he doesnt corrupt him then we should be okay but can never be to careful 6. Im in the PBE! I would call it my main league but I was in the vhl before PBE
  7. I am nearing the end of my VHLM career. This is my second season in the VHLM and its going even better than last! The team is on track to win the regular season championship like last season. The goal before I am sent to the VHLE is to win back to back VHLM cups. With waivers approaching it could shake things up a bit but I expect us to pull it off. I currently am at 13 goals and 64 assists for 77 points. My shot blocking rate is pretty similar to last season with 98 so far but I will break last season's totals for sure since we have 14 games left and I only need 3 to tie. Despite having much much more points this season my +/- is ten lower than last season. I'm not entirely sure why this is but it could be that our offense is slightly worse than last season overall so I'm not on the ice for as many goals as before.
  8. 1. Hell be at around 150 since hell be at that 2 points per game avg 2. A good goalie is what wins cups so yes 3. It should stay mostly the same 4. I don't think we can but it'll be close 5. He's crafting up something big in the shadows 6. Wish it was with the Blues but as long as a Canadian team is suffering I'm happy
  9. 4 TPE (Capped 5+) Why does this category exist?
  10. My journey into hockey in general was a weird one. When I was younger my family was never into hockey and neither were any of the family friends. Everyone around me were huge baseball fanatics and because of that so was I. I started out playing baseball when I was seven. I was decent at it but when I was a kid I was the smallest on the field so I was always at a disadvantage. By the time I was eleven I wanted to do something else in the off season rather than just sit around and waste away at home not being able to do much of anything. At around the same time the pro team in my city had gone on a crazy cup run and it caused everyone in the city to become a hockey fan including me! Since baseball was during the late Spring and Summer I decided Hockey would be the absolute perfect sport to play while also still being able to play baseball. Since I was so late to the whole skating and hockey thing I was pretty bad. I was usually stuck on the bench and occasionally shoved onto the ice in the defensive zone. As time crept along I started to become bigger and could actually skate very well. Going into highschool we had our own hockey team and of course I joined. We were pretty good and I made varsity my freshman year! I wasn't a starter but it was expected since I was only fifteen and still not as big as all the massive eighteen year olds. When I did play I did fairly well. Nothing to write home about to be honest. In my Jr year I became a starting D man and I was one of the best in the state and still only a Jr. My high school went to finals and we did end up winning. This was the first time our school had ever won essentially anything so we were like the stars of the school. In my senior year it was more of the same domination from myself and the team. I once again was the best dman in the league and even had the most points in my own team since I would rack up assists and get the occasional goal. Still had no hat tricks but maybe that'll change in the future ;). After highschool I knew I wanted to keep playing and wanted to make this my future so I ended up declaring for the VHLM draft and the rest is history.
  11. So technically I was just drafted to the VHLE and VHL. I am also still in the VHLM as well but I am going up to the VHLE next season. I first started my journey with the Miami Marauders. They picked me up off of waiver claims despite there being only a single game left in the season. In that singular game and making my pro hockey debut I had zero goals and two assists with four shot blocks. For a first ever game that is more than excellent! I was then drafted during the off season to the Las Vegas Aces.The team was a juggernaut from the start and we had hopes of going to the finals and winning a cup from the start of the season. I played in every single game that season with a stat line of seventeen goals, thirty two assists totaling fifty one points. I am also very very happy with this season. We made it to the finals as we all expected and eventually went on to win the cup!!!! And now to this current season. My player is maxed out for the VHLM and I am going for a super defensive defenseman build. I don't want to focus on scoring really at all and my main goal is to keep the other team from getting shots on net. I want to block everything and pick off passes. The goalie and I will be best friends at all times. Thus far into the season the team is in first place overall in the VHLM. We are fourty games in and I have ten goals, 41 assists, totaling fifty one points. A bit over halfway and I've already passed my assist and points totals of last season which is unexpected since I'm not even trying to go for any offensive production. I am also at 136 hits and 78 shot blocks. I always will want more in the shot block category but with the hits I wish I'd be a bit cleaner since I'm racking up penalty minutes. I think i am leading the VHLM in PIM or atleast close to leading. Guess I like to take a quick rest during games. Overall my VHLM career has gone significantly better than expected and I am more than happy with my play. The team has been wonderful and full of great people and excellent GMs. With how we are playing this season I expect to get myself a second cup before going to Istanbul next season and winning another cup with them as well!
  12. Haven't done one of these in a minute. My player has been lighting up the VHLM! I have specifically and intentionally gone for a defensive defenseman who can't score to save their lives but I am racking up assists like its candy. At the time of writing this I believe I am leading in dman scoring which blows my mind! I am also leading in penalty minutes which is a bit annoying since hits = penalties here. The team is playing great as well! We started off super hot then hit a bit of a bump but even that bump would still be considered lighting up the league. We are currently first and it seems other teams are trying their best to catch us by selling as much as they can to get that roster to our level. I believe we can go back to back this season but it appears it might be more difficult than last season since as mentioned teams are trading their futures away to compete now.
  13. The VHL has been around for fifteen years! I knew it was a seasoned league but I didn't realize it was this old. I started my journey here in the VHL around season 72 I believe. I had absolutely no experience in sim leagues and this would be my first time even attempting something like this. I luckily was brought into a good VHLM team in Mexico City and they taught me everything I would soon learn. I was a near max earnier for most of my career which was as a goalie but I will say I did get burnt out at the end of my career. The highlight of that goalie career was my final season in the VHL. I had been on the Wolves my whole service time in the top division and at the time there was no E so I had many seasons with them. And in that final season we ended up winning a cup! It was my first cup since while I was in Mexico City we lost in the cup finals but it only made winning in vancouver that much more special and it was an excellent send off. The VHL has always had a great locker room community and a general discord positivity to it. While it's still not perfect it's pretty close. After my career ended with my goalie I took a few seasons off and now I have returned and quite the good timing too since the VHLE is here now and it feels like there's more opportunity for TPE than ever before. I've found my own way of earning good tpe totals per week while not burning out and it's a model I will keep up for a long time to come. I do expect to make another player after my current one but that is many seasons down the road since I haven't even graduated from the M yet. That is partly my fault but I am happy with my decision to stay in the M for an extra season. I had a great time in Vegas and wanted to stay as long as possible to keep my morale high. As far as this season the VHL has been weirdly gifting with the TPE. It is a bit suspicious how much I have been getting by accident or gifted to me. I am not complaining! It's Making me enjoy my time here in the VHL more than my previous experience in the way it feels more satisfying to keep up with the league and all the things going on in it. This is definitely an improvement from my last stay. I think if the current system was around I wouldn't have been burnt out at the end of the players career and who knows maybe I'd have played one more year which they also won the cup that following season. I don't regret it though and i'm more than happy with my current position in the VHLM and where i'm going in the future. Happy Birthday VHL!
  14. 1. Defense wins cups! Always happy to have more dman frends 2. Ill try and get as much tpe this week since its a special week 3. I think well finish first still but the playoffs will be harder this season than last 4. Why he retiring. Seems sus if you ask me 5. Itll be a three way tie for best since theyre all the best 6. I did play sports but david freese game 6 triple in the world series is the highlight of my life
  15. 1. He can go another 4 games to make it an even 20 2. Im playing better than expected 3. Love tpe more than anything 4. Im not too sure. Im usually skimming through the lr 5. Theyre the best. No need to do any more detail so you dont lose your mind 6. I meannnn if it wasnt for me being a unit in our zone to stop high chance shots...... jk I love our goalies. My game is dedicated to them
  16. 1. Keep up the pace and top 3 could be in the cards. GMs love tpe as much as the players! 2. I think it will be close. Well be over 100 points for sure but how close can we get to 118? not sure 3. Battle for that tpe and don't burn out 4. Me, I am the secret 5. Make myself and Juan rich and help the team as a side effect 6. Bots gotta help bots. They will falter sooner rather than later so no worries
  17. RW - Henery Tucker If hes retired then pick LW - Brendan Marner so I dont miss later since I wont be looking here for a bit
  18. D - Max Torq RW - Phil the Rock Johnson @jhatty8
  19. 1. I hope I get at least 1 since ill be one of the 'old guys' 2. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck? 3. Ready to go back to back 4. Get even more shot blocks than last season and drop the PIM some 5. Until he retires 6. Probably not since that 10 tpe is key to that win
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