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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. I have made my triumphant return to the VHL after a short break. This will be my third player with my first one being a goalie Markus Emerson Jr. and my second player being a defenseman Jimmy MacElroy. I am back to the goalie position for this third player since I found it the most enjoyable and have little interest in being a goal scorer. Being a goalie feels more important and high-pressure to perform than a skater. My last two players had quite a lot of success as far as team and personal achievements go and I expect similar results from this player as well. A few things have changed since my last player but it's still mostly the same. The biggest thing I've noticed thus far is that I can actually choose my VHLM team straight off the bat which I find interesting and quite a great idea. I give brownie points to whoever thought that one up. Now that I have returned I am aiming to be a higher earner than I was with my second player and maybe my first player too but we'll see if I can keep it up over the long haul.
  2. Player Information Username: Xflexz Player Name: Chazz Michael Michaels Recruited From: Returning Age: 26 Position: G Height: 74 in. Weight: 185 lbs. Birthplace: Moldova Player Page @VHLM GM
  3. I have been traded! Some would hate to be traded but I see it as a fun new experience and an opportunity to be a star for a new team. The goal is to play so well that people look back at it and debate who won it. I enjoyed my time in Vancouver and won the cup with them but they were having cap issues which is understandable and they needed to shed some cap. I get to start in Canada but move all the way to the other side to Toronto. I only know a little about them but I have heard they are on the rise and maybe I can help bring them into a playoff spot this coming season. My personal goals stay the same in being a shot-blocking machine. I shouldn't have many problems making friends with the goalie with my play style. Let's go Toronto!!!
  4. Another season has passed and we managed to sneak into the playoffs! I ended up having a career year once again in all offensive categories and some defensive categories. I unfortunately had 99 penalty min which I would like to see go significantly down since that is way too much for my liking. Since we made the wildcard, we got more of that sweet playoff experience and managed to win round 1 by the skin of our teeth. Unfortunately, we were bounced out in round two but put up a decent fight. We can always get back at them next season though. I had a negative plus-minus as well this season but I'm chalking that up the team scoring being down overall since I still had a career record in points. I was a hitting machine this season not only breaking my career high but I absolutely demolishing it. Going from 115 to 147 hits is quite the jump. Lets go for 200 next season
  5. Xflexz


    Last season we finished with the best record in the entire league. Myself and the team had high hopes of going back to back and creating a dynasty. Unfortunately, the sim gods did not smile upon us and we were knocked out in the first round. I ended the season with a career-high in all categories so at least some good came out of it all. Now that this season has started I am somehow on the top in scoring even when I've intentionally made myself the most defensive defenseman I could possible make. If this keeps up I will be winning some awards and once again breaking all my career stat lines. Im not complaining its rather amusing when something like this happens since it really should have a near-zero percent chance of happening. Im sure it'll all even out at the end of the season but I still believe I can out perform last season by a decent amount!
  6. Xflexz


    Nearly finished with this season! It is my sophomore year and I managed to avoid the famous sophomore slump. With nine games left to go in the season over already broke every single individual stat record from last season! Last season I scored zero goals so breaking that was a given. The team is also much better this season so my assist and plus-minus greatly benefited from that as well. Also, we won the cup last season so saying we're much better this season is insane. I've taken significantly fewer penalties which is a big thing for me. Can't be playing A-plus defense if in the box and forcing our team to kill a penalty. I've hit just slightly more people and blog quite a bit more shots. All a part of my grand plan to be a defensive defenseman. We are also in first place by a healthy amount and It's looking like a second cup is in our future!
  7. Well I can say my rookie season has gone quite well! After spending two seasons in Vegas with the Aces and winning back to back cups with them and Istanbul nearly getting another cup I made it to the finals and won it once again with Vancouver. I now have three cups in my career! I unfortunately didn’t win any individual awards but I’m only a rookie and shouldn’t be expecting much. I’ve already had a more successful career than some who’ve spent their entire career chasing the dream of winning a cup. No matter what level honestly. This off season I plan to continue my development into defense. I still want to be amongst the premier defensive defenseman in the league blocking shots and setting up our forwards. The goal is as always to lead the league in shot blocks as well as in assist. I’ll settle for the shot books though since assist might be a bit of a stretch.
  8. 1. tbh I don't really follow other teams close enough to know what we are getting so when it comes to trades I'm lost until a few weeks in 2. Get lucky and have a few players turn it on again like myself 3. Very interesting seeing a captain traded but gms have bigger brains than I 4. I think a decision has to be made if we are competing for a cup this season or in 2 seasons then decided what we want from there 5. Itll be close. I cant say for sure either way 6. My brain melted reading that... I have no idea
  9. Well I was having a great season at the start especially since its my rookie season. Since the start though I've fallen off a bit. I had a pretty large dry spell of production but recently and I mean very recently I've started to pull it back. I know I should lower my expectations since its my rookie season and I can only be so good and help the team so much. But I'm slowly grinding it out and hopefully by the end of the season I'm tearing it up. As far as the team its been pretty meh. We've been making lots of trades and I don't really know what to think since I don't look to deep into team needs or other performances. I trust that the GM knows what they are doing and ill be happy regardless of if the team is trying to build for now or a few more seasons.
  10. 1. Playoffs for sure and see what happens after that 2. Slow starts only make for hot finishes 3. Not sure. Pretty new to the team so dont know everyone yet 4. Uh me ofc Jimmy. 5. My first season here so unsure 6. A heart
  11. After spending two seasons in the VHLM and one season in the VHLE I managed two cups. Id say that's pretty good. I was close to going three for three in cups but fell just short in the VHLE season. This off season feels longer than the previous off seasons. I dont know if its a week longer which could be the case but it has that feeling that its dragging along. I am pretty excited to start my journey and expect to have a decent season. One of my goals this season is to win the rookie of the year award. I am a bit of a trophy collector I must say. As far as my training I am still heavily focused on being the top defensive player in the league. Blocking shots, racking up hits, and keeping the other team out of our defensive zone as much as I possibly can.
  12. 1. Very good indeed 2. Obv me I am the goat of defenseman 3. I don't usually pay attention to FA signings tbh 4. Be ready to start that grind 5. It was excitement since I went to a team I wanted to 6. They draft always active players
  13. 1. The nightmare before christmas 2. No 3. lol love potion 4. I never made one 5. Yeah why not 6. a coffin
  14. 1. Not making it to the finals is always rough but it gives us a goal for next season 2. 9, would be a 10 if we won the cup but making it to the playoffs and bringing it to 7 is a great thing 3. We just made it 7 games in round 1 and are only getting better. Next season is the year 4. Ill be coming in to replace a defensive spot so that's safe but as far as the other spots it depends how the off season goes in filling them 5. Probably not but something might come up 6. A evil puppy
  15. So its been a min since I've done one of theses. A quick talk about the regular season first. I played very well and am very very happy with my individual performance. I am also happy with the team overall performance as well. We are a defense first team which leans straight into my goals. As of writing this we are in the semi finals of the playoffs. The series is currently 3-2 for us and we can wrap it up tomorrow and take ourselves to the cup finals. We are most likely playing Oslo who finished first so that finals matchup is going to be pretty rough for us but we can do it. If we do manage to win this VHLE finals it would be my third cup in three years since I won the VHLM cup back to back last season with the aces. Im very excited for the rest of this season and am looking forward to my time in Vancouver!
  16. 1. Chill in the countryside 2. Uhh Im a very boring person so when I do go out of state I dont really get anything special. 3. Like the last one when I do go other places im a very boring person 4. Ive never been on one and idk how I would do on open ocean 5. My grandparents used to collect sea shells and they gave them to me. I didnt get them myself on a vacation but still 6. I really want to go to Germany but ive never been on a plane and I think I would freak tf out
  17. Nearly halfway done with my first and only VHLE season. The team is holding steady near the top of the standings and we will have a playoff spot. We had a small dip but instantly brought it back up with a nice few sims. As far as myself I am doing what I was designed to do and block shots and keep the other team away from our zone as much as possible. I have 84 shot blocks and 60 hits. I only have 23 Penalty Minutes which compared to last season in the M I am a saint. The work in the off season on discipline was well worth it and I am extremely happy with that decision. I am excited for the team this season and at this point it is a matter of waiting for the playoffs and see what we can do from there. Hopefully I can win my third straight cup!
  18. 1. Maybe media should stay away from you 2. With hopes to win the cup I sure hope we all get hot and stay hot 3. No, They hate is cuz they aint us 4. I wasn't really expecting much since I was on a meh team then got traded here which made my cup hopes spike! 5. Very deep man 6. I came in in one of those trades and being a top D man it helped the team and the goalie
  19. 1. I didn't really watch or get into superheroes when I was younger 2. Yadi Molina 3. I love chaos!!!!!! Bring moar please 4. I think were doing great and have room to still improve 5. I dont think I have one so id have it be jimmy macelroy ofc 6. I go to lots of baseball games and I was at a walkoff win once back in 2018. Was very fun
  20. 1. I don't really watch any football 2. Stockholm 3. Mexico city 4. Bacon but no eggs. Just nice ol' bacon 5. I'm happy! I got an A which I think is the correct option since I'm a rookie here and shouldn't get a C 6. Sports articles or looking back at drafts
  21. This is the start of my VHLE career! I was traded in the off season to a Bratislava which has a good chance at winning a cup so my quest for three straight cups is still alive! We've played twenty games so far and are in a close battle at the top of the standings so it appears playoffs are almost a guarantee. Its just a matter of what seed we will get for the playoffs and if we will be the team to beat or an underdog. As for myself I am averaging just below a point per game which is great since I'm not even supposed to be good at scoring or any offensive skills. I'm blocking over two shots per game and my work in the off season to limit penalty minutes is paying off as well. I should be pretty well off this season and next season is going to be my VHL debut so lots to look forward too!
  22. 1. No specifics but yall will need a Dman to replace me 2. I wont be since ill be busy sleeping 3. I sure hope not 4. They are an ice skating pony. Thats all you need to know 5. Games are next week?! 6. 'Baby come back"
  23. I am approaching my first ever season in the VHLE! I am playing with the Istanbul Red Wolves and since my last player was already in the VHL when the E became a thing this is also my first time as a user in the VHLE. I am already at the cap so ill only be here for a single season but I'm hoping I can continue what I have done in the M by winning a third cup in a row. I know Istanbul just came off a cup win and I'm not entirety sure how we will perform this season but if I can play well maybe the goalie and I can drag us to the promise land. All around Im hoping to block lots of shots and keep the other team out of our zone and maybe rack up assist like I have been in the M. Looking forward to this season with all the new faces!
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