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Nathan T

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About Nathan T

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  1. Some body please sign me

    1. Beaviss
    2. Berocka


      @Nathan T




      That is your create a player, you can see that multiple GMs have offered you a spot on their team you need to go pick which team you would like to be on then tag them in your decision.

    3. bigAL


      You've got your pick of dance partners on this one Nathan, go choose any one of those awesome teams in the link above and get your career going!

  2. Nathan T


    Yeah but how do you accept
  3. Nathan T


    When dose season start and i am a new joiner so i am not on a team how do you though
  4. Player Information Username: Nathan T Player Name: Nathan T Recruited From: YouTube Age: 16 Position: C Height: 65 in. Weight: 200 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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