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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. I mean it's weird to ask the question to a man who didn't even join the VHL yet. As I said, it might go to survey. No, but thank you.
  2. The player build with strenghts and weakness could be ok, but if it's some basic shit like scoring as a strength and passing as a weakness - it won't do very much to stop members to reach the 99 scoring. Uhm...read my last post again. I already mentioned about 1000+ TPE players, not 300.
  3. But why not? Especially if a member works hard for at least 1000 TPE?
  4. Well, he comes from a league where every or almost every team has 3 or 4 lines, so I understand his idea. However, the VHL public is a bit different. I may sound too pessimistic, but I'm not sure if a member here will be happy to see his player playing only 15 or even less minutes.
  5. The thing is the VHL is running the two line system for a long time, maybe even since beggining. It may be very hard to old heads to adapt three or four lines and see their minutes drastically going down. May as well as sending a survey to new members with a question like ''Do you want to play in three or four lines team with less minutes or playing more minutes but in a two line team?'' Would be interesting to see an answer here.
  6. And what's the advantage of 3-4 line system over two lines, besides of having more active LR?
  7. Just bring more active players and we'll be ok with 8 teams. And after all, there are still gonna be at least two rebuilding teams regardless of number of players.
  8. I also forgot to mention this in my last post as well. And which GM would be ok with his team being cut out? That's won't be that easy to cut the teams out.
  9. That requires another contraction or cutting the whole VHLM out. Idk if this thing will work, especially if we already get used to see our players playing more minutes. And again, Quebec finished last. Skye's effort was enough for 15 wins, which is not valuable enough. Blame Frank for not adding better players to his team (not that he even wanted that).
  10. You mean we will need to add TPE to an endurance? My be a decent idea if we have enough players for 3 or so lines, like you want to see.
  11. Also, Helsinki gave up almost 33 shots per game, which is only the sixth result. They even were behind Calgary in this category, yet they finished 4th in regular season.
  12. Every player has 99 endurance. And what the league is supposed to do? Changing the sim engine? Changing the sim version of STHS?
  13. Yes, I still believe in an offensive depth. Also, they had only two defs. Ay Ay Ron and double-regressed sub 400 TPE Jenkins. Not the best def line in the league.
  14. I mean, you gotta bring better players to your team first. I have Muller, Shankly and Rusty in the first line.
  15. All complaints to STHS though. As much as I can see, a 120 point performance is still a 120 point performance, reglardless of a TPE count.
  16. A six-man team. Not so good imo. The only difference was these six were better than Quebec players.
  17. Wait until the new welfare system will be implemented... ...oh wait. *crawls back to his den*
  18. Kinda agree, but that's not happening every time. A defenseman won a RoTY in S57. And how about a 93-point def winning MVP, Slobo and Labatte awards in S54?
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