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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. And Fredina... wait, his max is 7 seasons
  2. there's an announcement about this
  3. iirc you can only use 30 TPE and put the rest to bank.
  4. people still doesn't realize Slava Aleksei is a def. It's 5/2 so far.
  5. *an appropriate picture tbh* In past two weeks I lost all of my desire to write a Media Spot and that will be hard to even try. But I guess it's not that hopeless situation for me. I started to check some older threads and I found an idea. One of these topics I checked, was @street's spreadsheet about members and players who were successful enough for at least one Continental Cup. However, it wasn't updated since S53 so I'll fix this. Or at least I'm going to try to fix it. Also, it may boost an ego of some members, but I can't guarantee that. So, let's go: @sterling - 11 @Victor - 11 @tfong - 10+1=11 (+S56 cup) So for now it's a three-way tie, but Fong has a chance to overtake both former. It depends on Toronto now. @Smarch - 8+2=10 (S57 and S58 cups) @Phil - 8+2-10 (S57+S58 cups) Thanks to Riga, Smarch and Phil cut the distance between the first three. And Phil even may join the leader group if Riga wins again. Also, Shankly already won 4 cups so he's close to catch Jenkins and Velvet. @Tyler - 6+2=8 (S57 and S58 cups) @Higgins - 6+2=8 (S54 and S55 cups) @Tylar - 6+2=8 (S54 and S55 cups) Two similar named members and Higgins also had double success between S54 and this season. Which makes it more interesting, they all are gunning for the 9th cups as their respective teams are still contending. @Green - 6+1=7 (S56 cup) @der meister - 6+1=7 (S57 cup) As you can see, I didn't include other members with 7 cups as it would be too long article. Just like the 8-cup club, the both are having a chance to add another championship to their resume: NY and Seattle are competing. @Frank - 5+1=6 (S56 cup) @Kendrick - 4+2=6 (S57 and S58 cups) @Trifecta - 4+2=6 (S54 and S55 cups) From this group only Kendrick can catch Green and Gifter and chances are pretty good. His both teams are contending right now. Meanwhile, Frank's goalie and Trifecta's recreate are playing in a minor league. @gregreg - 4+1=5 (S57 cup) @Fire Hakstol - 3+2=5 (S54 and S55 cups) @Wasty - 3+2=5 (S54 and S55 cups) @Will - 2+3=5 (S56-58 cups) Helsinki helped Flyersfan and Wastlund to achieve a respectable trophy case considering that they're not even league's OG members. Draper is being successful in last three seasons as his Locke is destroying league so far and helped Riga on achieve back to back. Also, Thrower handed Greg his fifth cup too. @solas - 0+4=4 (S54-56 and S58 cups) @BluObieZ - 3+1=4 (S54 cup) @Corco - 2+2=4 (S54 and S55 cups) @boubabi - 2+2=4 (S54 and S55 cups) MEEEE - 2+2=4 (S57 and S58 cups) Several members are at 4 cup mark right now, but Solas does the most impressive jump in this list thanks to his last two players, Axelsson and Muller. There's a lot of ex or current Helsinki players as well. So this is the quick look at that table and I didn't add other active members there because I'm tired. I know that @evrydayimbyfuglien jumps from 0 to 3, @Jonessee27 has now 2 cups thanks to Riga and @jRuutu adds a S56 cup to make it 2 and I guess some of members managed to win their first cups but anyway, my article is done. And maybe some member was sn.ubbed cause I forgot him, sorry in advance. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Krīgars
  6. Player Name: Fredinamijs Krīgars VHL Team: Riga Reign Cash you have: 5,25M Purchase Name: Triple award predictions Cost of Purchase: 5M Cash Left: 250k
  7. It's still a rarity. Also, Locke had 447 TPE by that time which was the lowest TPE number in that team. And Skye > Ironside imo.
  8. What I'm seeing at this moment: Riga vs Seattle finals again If NY will find another good forward, they'll be tough to beat I don't believe in Toronto. When was the last time a 7-man team won the cup? Moving Sokolov to forward is a smart move, but the lack of depth may hurt them. The fifth team won't do much unless Bushito brings Johnsson and both Boubabi players to his team to spoil other team chances
  9. Good point. brb I'm going to offer a deal to @CowboyinAmerica, need a good backup.
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