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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. care to explain doom?
  2. @JigglyGumballs has yet to post in here but has been viewing this topic - what have you been up to?
  3. So no neutral killing deaths for 2 days in a row has me thinking that this is an arsonist game
  4. Quite well thanks for asking. Tea has been spilt
  5. That points to multiple townies confirming it. Thats a weird play if 3 maf hop in on that
  6. @Mr_Hatter I guess we are sticking with the same plan we discussed in jail last night then. There's tea to be spilled awaiting your command sire
  7. TI should look at Doomsday if Devise is actually mafia, no idea what he is getting at trying to throw the vote off him
  8. were you on mr hatter last night?
  9. was anyone witched, roleblocked, transported, or blackmailed last night? If you were blackmailed vote and then unvote hatter
  10. Vote Devise
  11. Also thanks for jailing me @Mr_Hatter, I will stick to our plan unless you spill the tea
  12. yea I'm just memeing don't mind me @Devise what is your role and will my good sir?
  13. good job mafia thank you Barzal still could have bit someone though before he died
  14. Gustav night time noises
  15. Nah you are good. Only godfathers and mafiosos are supposed to reveal day one
  16. That sounds like the smart move to me. Crusader get your ass on the mayor or catch these hands
  17. @Mr_Hatter I think you should announce who you are jailing tonight for protection purposes so tp can cover both of you
  18. @JorgTheGoat03 I wish you hadn't revealed yet, now we are going to have to pull a switcharoo to get you and hatter protected. If there is a witch things will get dicey.
  19. half the time you ask for a crusader you are a neutral evil
  20. ah yes our annual day one tradition lookouts, spies, bodyguards, doctors, escorts should all visit the jailor tonight to hopefully get confirmed. Confirming half of town is more important than jorg's ask for protection IMO. Maybe if we have a transport then transport him
  21. can you jail me tonight bud? I don't want to die early in a game again plus I have a special plan I would like to share with you
  22. at least there is always davos to beat
  23. someone didn't read the article
  24. New Questions: 1) Have you been keeping up with the NFL playoffs? Who do you want to win or do you not care about football 2) What other sports besides hockey would most interest you for a sim league? 3) How many hours a day would you say you average doing VHL related activities? 4) Who would you consider to be London's biggest rival at the moment? 5) Hypothetical question - how much money would someone have to pay you to never visit or interact with the VHL again? 6) If the VHL ever held a Zoom meet and greet where everyone was allowed to show themselves on camera or voice chat if they choose, would you be interested?
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