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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. If you are sheriff or investigator please take a look at ptyrell and jiggly tonight. If we have a lookout they should confirm OMG for us so we can wait on him for now
  2. well here are the scenarios I could think of: Osens and Caboose are some kind of combo of godfather and mafioso. Osens was jailed and caboose was roleblocked. One of Osens or Caboose is mafioso/gf, and the other mafia member was afk last night Mafia tried to attack Osens in jail and he is telling the truth Mafia tried to attack an immune neutral player who is staying silent As for the transporters, Mike and MMflex are the only people saying they are transported, which would make sense as it means we have one transporter who transd those 2
  3. Yea I am smelling a jester play too Enough Caboose can come up with a reasonable explanation vigi should prove themself tonight by shooting caboose
  4. I am more concerned by the fact that caboose says he was roleblocked yet still visited doomsday. He is an experienced player and knows how game mechanics work @Caboose30 explain yourself
  5. was anyone witched, roleblocked, transported, etc? Also if you were blackmailed vote and then unvote me
  6. Any spies to help us figure out last night?
  7. I am psychic Ptyrell, omgitshim, or JigglyGumballs is evil!
  8. Barzal confirmed town traitor
  9. Omg has been quiet lets lynch him
  10. Do not jail me tonight or i will yeet you
  11. I am a very important town role and request a crusader on me tonight. I usually lie on day one but i promise I am telling the truth
  12. @GustavMattias can we have a runoff vote? I want to play any game mode that is not town traitor, I don't care which one
  13. I would pay as much money as possible to acquire carson wentz knee and give it to @STZ
  14. wow you are up to 72 tpe is this a new record for you?
  15. Gonna belt one out for old times sake MOSCOW MOSCOW MOSCOW
  16. Truth is Malone > Bernard
  17. Could say the same thing about the first game but in reverse truth is if it stays at 5v5 moscow will be swept the rest of the way
  18. I'm going to pretend that first game against Moscow didn't happen 1-0 London
  19. eew no thanks everyone is just going to be even more suspicious of me
  20. This emergency broadcast has been issued in accordance with the federal, state, and local governments of the VHL. This is NOT a drill. If you are currently a member of a hockey team located in Moscow, Russia, you are in DANGER. Authorities have issued a code red alert for the following national disaster: SWEEP. Warning - side effects of said sweep may include emotional trauma, butthurt, and the retirement of Bernard. Please contact your local authorities for the next steps on how to prepare for the incoming sweep. May the odds be ever in your favor.
  21. congrats town, neutrals please actually kill town next time and not coven
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